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Jiwoo's POV

Now that exams are approaching, my trips to the tank building are on the rise again. Calm is something that only stars can impart to me.

Currently, I am walking towards the building. I just got out of my dorm. The layout of this campus sometimes amazes me and at other times, frustrates me. 

The water tank building is in the furthermost corner of the campus. Which is understandable. But to reach it, you have got to cross the complete professors' quarters area and the college building. It's risky because there is a high probability that someone might catch you in the course of your adventure. 

But I am Park Jiwoo. Ha ha ha.

Not so confident. But I have found out a shortcut that saves me from walking into the professors' residential area.

I am about to take it when I see a guy driving his bike towards me. He looks like a delivery boy.

"Excuse me. Is that Professors' quarters?" He asks me pointing towards the area that I was going to take a shortcut from.

"Yes, it is."

"Um...May I ask for a little help from you?"

"I am not sure...what is it?"

"Will you please take these boxes to...what's his name...aa...Kim Taehyung's address?"

Okay, cosmic conspiracy again?

"Actually the next delivery that I have to make is a late service free service kind. And I am running quite late at the moment. Please..."

Oh, those puppy eyes that boys make to get things done their way, I know how it works but till now I have never been able to say no.

"Alright, I'll take it."

"Thank you very much. Next time you visit The Pizzas, I'll make sure you get some extra treats." He smiles at me and bowing again accelerates his bike towards the gate.

And here I am standing in the middle of the road leading to the last place I would want to be in, holding two boxes of large size pizza and two bottles of sprite balancing on the top. There is a party, I guess.

Now I don't have a choice.

I find my way to Prof V's house and reach to ring the doorbell. Hmm, balancing something like this in one hand is hell too much difficult. 

I hear a voice from within and the doorknob turns to reveal a distantly familiar face.

He looks at me in confusion.

"Since when have you started working as a delivery girl?" He asks.

"I don't. I am here just to hand this over." I say extending the boxes towards him.

He is still looking at me knowing that I did not recognize him.

"You don't remember right?"

"Kook, what's taking so long?" Someone calls from within.

"V hyung, you will like to see this." He calls back looking at me smiling.

"Wae?" V sir calls back.

"It's the lady from the mall." He says. "Can't you just come out?"

"I swear Jungkook, I told you I don't like that jok-" Prof V stops in his tracks when he notices me standing at the door. "A-Annyong."

"Annyonghaseyo. I just came to give this." I shove the boxes and sprite into Jungkook's hands and am about to turn when I hear another voice saying "Manners guys. At least offer to invite her inside."

The night is not at all going as planned.

"Jiwoo? Come in for a bit if you are not in a hurry." Prof V says.

"Um...no, sir. I would like not to disturb you all."

"Don't worry about it, we can do with a bit of it," Jungkook says. "Do you play Mario Kart?"

"No sir. I don't play video games much. Besides, I need to-"

"Oh come in. A minute or two won't hurt." The worldwide handsome face comes into view. And he is also the one who cut me in mid-sentence

"Please, just one game. We'll teach you something new which is not as boring as Tae's physics." Someone calls from within.

What is the fuss about?!

Apparently, if I don't go in all the people currently inside will eventually come into the view.

"Okay..." I say slowly. Why is everyone visibly happy and smirking at Prof V?

The herd moves back into the house. I stand in the hallway struggling to get my shoes off. I stumble as I desperately try to keep my balance.

I stumble again and V grabs my hand.

Oh no! With a heart rate alarmingly high and face red hot, I look from his hand holding mine to his face, shock written all over mine.

"Just keep them on. It won't be a problem." He says, quickly letting go of my hand and looking away.

I walk into the living room looking around the house. Honestly, this is way too well kept for being a professor's quarter provided by the college. The walls of the living room are adorned with certificates. I myself am an academic. Yet I never won even half as much as the trophies on the shelves.

"Tae is an expert in everything one can think of." A man says smiling at me. Cresent eyes. I know him. He is Jimin, for sure. "So don't be astonished."

I look around to find the professor smiling. A picture behind him catches my attention. I walk past Prof V to the picture, he walks up behind me. Kim Taehyung is with a group of four people, all holding onto a shiny trophy. They must be in high school. The certificate above it said Interschool Debate Competition

Something inside me lurched and I feeling like choking. The background noise made by the professor's friends fades as I begin sinking into the past. My legs might give up anytime soon. I turn around to face Prof V.

"S-sir...I n-need to g-go." This is not intentional and I am trying my best not to, but I still stutter.

"Yah...what happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes sir. I am fine. I just need to go."

I try to hurry towards the door when Jungkook calls "Yah...what about the game?" V sir shoots him a silencing glance and walks me to the door.

"Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yes sir."

"Where will you be going now?"

"Water tank."

"Jiwoo? Is everything really fine?"

"Yes. I...Good night, sir." I hurry away from the door without waiting for him to wish me back. I hate to lie to him, but I can't cry in front of everyone which would have surely happened had I stayed a second more.

I know he is looking at me but I still break into a sprint.

Taehyung's POV

I don't understand what happened. A moment ago she seemed fine and then she just, ran off.

I come into the living room to find six pairs of eyes staring at me as if I have done something wrong.

"What happened to her?" Namjoon hyung asks.

"I don't know, she saw that picture and then..."

"Strange girl." Yoongi hyung says.

Jin hyung shoots him a glare and makes me sit down. "Tae, why do I feel as if I am missing something here?"

You are missing a lot, hyung...


A/n: Hey guys! Another update. Sorry, this is becoming cliche now. Please vote if you like it and share it with your friend. Thanks for reading.

Love you all!

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