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It was another day in Metro City. A beautiful summer day if you want to be more specific. Not a cloud was in the sky. Metro City's hero Megamind walked the streets. He would've taken his invisible car but why waste the sunshine? It wasn't too hot either so he was in his black mamba cape and his regular black suit along with his black leather boots. He stopped at a jewelry store and grinned. Ah, he remembered when he robbed this place to capture his girlfriend Roxanne back when he was a villain. Good times.

Megamind looked inside from the window. Good. No one was there just yet. He was early. Instead of shooting down the door like he used to do, Megamind just walked in casually. The owner of the store recognized him immediately. "Hello there, Megamind. I just opened up. How can I help you?" he asked. "Can we pretend you are closed for a few minutes? I want this to be.... Between us." Megamind said. The store owner nodded and switched the sign from open to closed. He then walked back to Megamind with a smile on his face. The hero took a deep breath and said "I want to look at.... The rings." he said nervously. The store owner nodded and showed him the ring section.

Megamind began looking at the rings one by one. He then found a silver ring with a amethyst stone on the middle. It was perfect. Megamind picked out the ring but before he could pay for it, the owner stopped him. "It's on me. You might have broken into my store multiple times but you made up for it." Megamind sighed in relief but said "You don't owe me anything. I'm trying to be an upright citizen.... Well, upright hero but you get what I mean. So sorry but I got to pay." the ex-villain said. "How about you pay me 25% and I'll throw in the ring box for free?" the owner asked. Oh, the owner wanted to bargain, hmm? Challenge accepted.

"Free box?"

After the transaction, Megamind said his thanks and held the box in his hand as he left the store. He smiled at the object that could change his life forever. He was glad he saved up the money. Selling nonlethal robots for companies did help. He likes doing hero work for free. Rings weren't free though. He got back to the lair and sat the box on his desk before looking at the screens. A few screens showed Metro City from different angles but the center one was his personal favorite. It was on channel 8 and he arrived just on time to see Roxanne's report on the conditions of Metro City. Minion walked into the room as Roxanne finished her broadcast.

"Hello, sir. You're up early." Minion commented. "I have been up for quite a few hours, Minion. How are you today?" Megamind asked his long-time friend. "All set for today. Last night there has been no break-ins or crime. Guess the last criminal you fought scared away some criminals for the time being." Minion said with a salute. He then saw the black velvet box on his bosses desk. "If you don't mind me asking sir, but what's in the box?" Megamind sighed and turned to his friend. "If I tell you, no telling Roxanne." Megamind said. Minion got suspicious before Megamind said "It's a surprise, not a lie. Cross my heart and hope to die." Minion sighed in relief. "Then what is it?" the fish asked. Megamind then showed Minion the ring. "Today marks the one year anniversary I became a hero and if I haven't fallen from Roxanne, I would've never gotten to that stage of my life. Minion, I am going to ask Roxanne to marry me."

Minion was quiet before he squealed in delight! He hugged his friend happily. "Oh sir! The thought of having a Mrs. Megamind around has been on my mind for years!" Minion said and then began crying. "I never thought this day would come!!!! The brainbots and spiderbot will finally have a mommy and I can call Miss Ritchie ma'am or Mrs!" Megamind patted his friends robotic back. "That's nice and all but can you please let me go? You're suffocating me!" Megamind said. Minion let him go. "Sorry, sir! So when are you going to ask her?" Megamind thought and thought before saying "Tonight."

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