"What? Your surprised aren't you? Yeah well this is what you get when your constantly breaking my heart every time I try to heal it. All you've done is hurt me more than you should've . You used me..you used my time and my body. I hope y'all are happy together cause it's forever fuck you."

Derek scoffs in disbelief and laughs at Mike's antics.

"Oh really? Mike you need me. I never loved you I never will love you the only reason why I stayed was because I saw how much of a sad case you were and I didn't want to break you further."

Mike goes silent then within seconds he had slaps the taste out of the others mouth.

"That's all just fuckery you talk down on me almost every fucking day,you cheat on me and then lie to my face, you make me seem like I'm some charity case...If you didn't feel the same way you should've told me straight up because feeling bad for me is just bullshit, I don't need pity from you or anyone else. What I do need is for you to get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops." He stood tall and held it together as Derek picked up his clothes and walked out the room. He followed him out of the house and closed the door behind him.

Mike felt hurt and honestly just wanted to curl up in a corner and die.

"Kobe you did this to me.." Mike cries. He didn't mean it to be rude or to sound selfish. To Mike it seemed like Kobe had left him at the wrong time.

There wasn't much he could but cry so that's what he did he cried until he was a complete mess.

It's been awhile since the last time he visited Kobe's grave but he was too scared to face a tombstone.

Maybe that's what I need.

So that's what he did. Mike had got up deciding to change his sheets and throw out all of Derek's clothes into a trash bag along with the sheets.

It took a few hours to get everything but once he finished he felt a whole lot better and by a whole lot it was only like a tiny speck of relief but Mike stubbornness masked the truth like always.

He ties the bag and takes it out to the back door sitting it outside. When he did that he went back inside and grabs his keys off the table and head to the car.

I can do this.


The sun had gone down by now and the sky was a clear with no signs of any clouds. Under a big tree sat Mike who looked out at the view. Beside him was Kobe's grave, he couldn't bring himself to talk out loud because he knew he'd start crying again.

But he needed someone to talk to. He needed someone to vent to and Kobe was the only one who would listen to what he had to say.

Mike sighs and looks down at his shaking hands trying to gather a few words to start off with.

"I...I know you didn't mean to leave me but I'm so mad at you. I wanted to marry you, to have kids then grow old with you, I wanted to take a few risks....I fucking need you and I hate that you aren't here." Mike got up and crouched down in front of the grave fixing the picture of Kobe and him. They took the picture on their first date. He set the new flowers around the head of the stone and sat back on his butt.

"I kicked out Derek...should've done it way before but I guess I didn't want to be alone." Mike couldn't see it but Kobe sat beside him wanting so bad to hold him.

"I think I'll just be single and not try to look for anyone. I'm not ready to move on either I just can't . You know...I've thought about dying so I can be with you but I can already here out first argument in heaven." Mike laughed as he pulled at the grass beside him.

"Mike why would you do something like that your supposed to live your life and move on." Both Kobe and Mike said at the same time. Causing them both to laugh.

"And then I'd say...I couldn't move on dummy so pull it together cause we spending eternity together." Kobe smiles at the possible argument and as much as he wanted to be with him physically he wouldn't allow his first love to take his life away.

Mike soon felt a presence near him, he looked around the graveyard but no one else was here but him. Plus he didn't feel it behind him he felt it beside him.

"Your here with me aren't you?" He cried. He placed his hand where he believed Kobe's hand was and he was right. He couldn't feel it but he knew Kobe was with him.

"I love you Kobe. I love you so much and I wish you never left."

"I wish I never left either."

Mike sat there for awhile just enjoying what felt like real happiness. It fell dark though and he needed to go home.

"I have to go bub but um before I leave I wanted to tell you something. A few years ago when we first met you asked me a question and I never answered it after all these years so I want to answer it now.

"You asked me why do I seem to always look the other way when I'm aware of the bad things that's happening. My answer was and still is, I'm too scared to face the truth. Someone once said that once you verbally speak your truth then that's it it's official you can't take it back no matter what and I was scared to own up to that. The past few months I've made extra time just so I'd have an excuse to not come visit you but here I am looking at your grave speaking the truth.

I know when I leave my words will be out there in the open flying around probably I don't know how it works but I know it's the truth and I can't forget that. I won't leave earth too soon because I know you want to see me happy but I won't promise you I'll find someone that'll brighten my day the way you did.

I love you."

I love you too forever don't forget that Mike.

Just like that, Kobe sat on the bench watching his love walk away. He wiped the many tears that fell from his eyes. He may be gone from the physical world but he was alive in heaven he could still feel the love that he felt when he was alive.

"Kobe the gates are closing honey it's time to come back."

An angel floated next to him smiling sympathetically.

"Ok I'm ready but as soon as tomorrow comes I'm going back." The angel nods and takes Kobe hand walking back to the gates of heaven.

"Sweetie you'll see him again."

"I know mom I know."

This was bad. I technically wrote the beginning when I was really sad and then I wrote the rest two days ago and just now, I'm in a pretty good mood so it isn't as good as it would've been if I were sad.

So sorry if it's rushed or not what you expected🤧.

Ok byeee.

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