CHAPTER 11 - A Dream

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"Close your eyes, Devu " "But why? " " Oho! You'll know it in a moment, my dear heart " "Okay... If you insist " "I'll fold your eyes with my hand " Devsena nodded.

The two walked , Bahu leading her. After a while they reached at the backyard of the palace "Now you can open your eyes " " Wowww! Bahu its... its... I'm speechless! "
"Isn't it beautiful Devu! I made it for you! " The scenery in front of them was quite unexpected for Devsena...

What she saw was a beautiful pastel garden where the flowers were trimmed like her face.
And the lights from the candles made it even more beautiful . It was more shocking when she knew that it was done by Bahu himself.
Bahu quickly laid down, with one knee on the ground and the other slightly bending.

"Will my beautiful Devsena take me, her Bahu as her husband? "
Seeing him at this kind of state, Devsena felt emotional that a tear ran down her cheeks. She quickly hugged him down and started crying.

"Hey! Don't cry. Did I make you cry. I'm sorry my Devu "
" No... Don't be! B-bahu, please don't leave me forever. I don't have anyone in this world. "
"No, no I'm not the only one... There are many in this world, who wants to follow you, who loves you from the bottom of their heart . And I will never leave you, never. I used to, I am, and will always love you even though death part us " Devsena then shut his mouth , with her index finger, at the word *death*

"Never mention that in front of me. " " Okay, my queen , now shall we - " Without wasting a second he lifted her up and carried her in bridal style.
"Um... Should we have a baby Devu ? " " W-waittttt!!! "
"The king and the queen announce the coming of a baby! " The crowd cheered... The thought of a baby made everyone, old or young, cheerful
"We congratulate the king and the queen on this occasion " The crowd congratulated in unison .
Bahu and Devsena smiled at each other, thinking that a new member will join them.
Kattapa was extremely happy to see them smiling, he also wanted a baby to play with... But within these chaos,, someone seems to be planning something, something evil ... Something that can make the world feel disheartened. A thread to the peaceful environment the palace was having.
It was the delivery day of Devsena. Bahu was standing outside with his arms crossed. But suddenly a soldier came running " Maharaj! Maharaj! Something happened to Rajmata while coming back. A soldier reported to me! " " What! How can that be? "

Only some hours were left for delivery but it was a dilemma for Bahu...whether to choose his mother or his wife, who was going to deliver their child. At last he chose his mother as his wife wants their mother to stay alive.
"Devsena! Don't worry I'll come back soon with Maa "
"Yes! Bahu I believe in you. Please come back safely with Maa . Our baby and I will be waiting for you "
Giving his last goodbye, Bahu went away with his mighty sword.

There was no sign of Bahu, coming back. Devsena couldn't hold back anymore. Even though it was time for her delivery , she insisted on going after the way he went. Everyone tried to stop her, but it was of no use. Commanding them as a queen, she left them without saying a, word...

Devsena rode her white horse and went after Bahu, following his path. The pain was already taking over her, but she couldn't look back, she pushed herself to the limits "Ahh! *Huff **Huff * baby you'll be alright. J-Just a f-few minutes "

Devsena arrived at the place but now her body was not supporting her. Then someone screamed, bringing her to her senses. It was Bahu, her beloved. The sight before her was too awful to look. Many of their soldiers had died. And the killer was none other than Bhallal , the step brother of Bahu, who desires everything of what Bahu has.
Devsena couldn't step next, sat down and crawled towards her Bahu. Bhallal killed Bahu with a sword, by doing some evil tricks. Sivagami, wasn't even there, he lured Bahu over his mother but actually Sivagami wasn't even at the place from the beginning .

" Bahu! Please look at me "
" Dev-devsena, w-why did you *the sound of breathing heavily* come here... And please don't cry... Before my last breath, I want to see you smiling... S-so p-please smile. "
Words are more practical than action. She tried to smile but now she couldn't even do that.
" Hey Bahu! You must die! And you Devsena, you insisted on loving him than to stay by my side, if you can't be mine then you can't be someone's too. So both of you must die!!! "
Bhallal pushed Devsena first. She fell down from the high cliff, "Bahu! " was all she shouted after she was pushed down the cliff.
Immediately, Bahu, with his injured body rushed over to her by jumping off the high cliff. "Devsena! I will always, love you " He tried to grab her hands and her tummy, which had their baby in it, who was going through hardships with both of them . At last, he grabbed her hands.

Both of them sworn that they will love each other, whenever they rebirth.
"We will... We will stay by each other's side forever and ever "

* * *
Anupriya's pov :

What was that? A dream I had never dreamt of, it's weird... And why do the girl, in my dream, look like me and the man like Sid. I think my mind is now all messed up, since the 'poster' incident. Since I used to watch many historical dramas, I finally started dreaming about it. Lets make it simple, this way.

Today is the 10th day of staying at the hospital and I was supposed to discharge today but I can't see anyone around me .Why does it sound creepy to me? Hm... I don't know.
Well , I'll just start packing my stuffs and head on as soon as I can, cause this hospital thing is killing me. I would have long been discharged if not for Mr. Sid. I mean he always does something unexpected. I can't even relate myself. Weirdo... I'll say.

I've waited for long and no one's coming for me , so I'll just talk with the doctor and take my leave .

*knock! Knock *

"Come in, please "
" Hello Dr. Sun "
"Oh! Miss Anupriya... Please have a seat " Well Dr. Sun is a nice person and a well-coordinating doctor .
"Well, I'll have to disturb you for a while "
"No no, it's okay. It's my duty to take care of my patients. Tell me what's bothering you? "
" Oh! Its nothing actually. I came in to take my leave. I'm suppose to discharge today, right? "
"Yeah! You're right I totally forgot about it . Please take this paper with you and hand it to the counter . After that you can leave "
"Okay, thank you so much for caring about me, during my stay in the hospital . Take care, Dr. Sun~"

Both of us shook our hands, and parted with a slight hug. Actually Dr. Sun is an elderly woman. She's like my aunt, so I always had a good time talking to her, during my stay. Here is the counter. I better hand this over, or I'll have to delay even more.

I handed it to the nurse at the counter, and walk out of the hospital. No more detergent smell. I always feel dizzy at the smell of it, now I'm finally free.
But why do I feel suddenly disappointed? Because no one was there when I woke up , how can they even do this to me? But I should give them a 'thank-you' party since they took care for me, when I wasn't able to wake up for days.
For today, I'll just buy KFC chicken buckets , chicken nuggets and some sweets to help them enjoy for a moment, from their tired life . They are all hard working people and I'm merely a designer who could help them, the least.

Yayyyy! I just bought a handful of eatable items for them, hope they enjoy it. I'm just gonna surprise them.
The guards greeted me as always but it was evident that they were shocked to see me.
I used the lift today,, as it was tiring for me to bring the bags.
As soon the door open I can see only dark rooms with no lights on! What's going on man?

* * *

What do you think they'll be planning? Stay tuned for more chapters and I'll update the next chapter tomorrow 'for sure ' .
Have fate on me guys!

For those who had been eagerly waiting for the chapters to be updated, I'm really sorry. I know I couldn't keep you on track but trust me I'll update more often from now ... Bye bye !

Jessie ~

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