CHAPTER 1- Accident

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"Where has the file gone? " Anupriya said, whilst trying to look for her file, which contains all her important designs, which has to be presented in front of her colleagues today

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"Where has the file gone? " Anupriya said, whilst trying to look for her file, which contains all her important designs, which has to be presented in front of her colleagues today.

After 10 minutes of rummaging her table , she managed to find it.
"Ah! Here it is " Saying this, she happily held the file , turning away from the table.
She turned the knob of her office door and left for the meeting area.

Anupriya took big steps as today is her first project meeting. Her main aim of today's meeting is to have a clear discussion on the topic 'Being traditional , is being elegant " .

Taking big steps and checking the papers inside the file, she headed towards the meeting area, with eyes focusing on the papers instead of looking at the front.
Subconsciously, she bumped onto someone. And the next thing she knew, the papers, which she has been arranging, were all scattered on the floor.

" I'm so sorry " , was the first thing she uttered. She kneeled down the floor to pick up the papers.
"I'm sorry too, let me help you out" A man, with a deep , yet calming voice said to her.
He also kneeled down to help her pick the papers.

Suddenly, a strong breeze made them look at each other. They felt as though, they've seen each other somewhere . The two shared an eye lock but soon it was broken, as Anupriya remembered that she has to attend a very important meeting.

The man handed the papers to her and smiled at her. Anupriya, too gave him a warm smile, which could melt anyone. She has this super power, which can make everyone at ease , with just a smile.

" I'm really sorry Mister. And thank you for helping me... Thank you once again! " Saying this, she bid farewell and headed for the meeting.

" But why did that person, looked so familiar to me. " She murmured but shrugged off her thought and continue walking forward.
After some couple of minutes, she reached the front door of the meeting room. She took a deep breath and entered inside the room.

As soon as she went inside, Mr. Ashok , the CEO ask her,"Anupriya , why did you took so long ? See , everyone's eagerly waiting for you . " He said , pointing towards the people, who were already seated across the long table.

" I'm so sorry sir and everyone too, I met with a small accident." Anupriya said , which made everyone gasp , at the word 'accident' .

Everyone looked at her as if she owed them an explanation.

" It's okay now! " She exclaimed with an sweet smile.

Then , everyone had a sigh of relief .

" Okay then , Anupriya...please start " Mr. Ashok said taking his seat.

Anupriya started showing the slides one by one. When she reached a particular design, she started speaking enthusiastically.

" If we could mix the modern dresses with the traditional dresses, it will be a hit. Because, in mixing the clothes, we can bring out the beauty of our traditional clothes at the same time, it can show the elegance behind the dresses." Saying this, Anupriya looked at them.

Everyone was quite impressed by Anupriya's speech, and the designs she showed to them just now , proves how much potential she has, as a leader. Especially Mr. Ashok was very happy, thinking that he'll leave the place, after giving the leadership to a sweet, kind and a responsible girl.

Mr. Ashok : Anupriya please take your seat.
Now, everyone may I take this opportunity and introduce my son to you'll . Introducing my son, Siddharth. Please come in son.

Then a tall man with a handsome look walked in.

When Anupriya look up, she found the same man from earlier . " What the- " was the only thing she could utter now .

Then she took the file which was near her and covered her face , which was already red from embarrassment .

Seeing Anu , her bestie asked her --

Nittika : What happened Anu?why are you covering your face ? And you look terrified , don't fit this act on you .

Anu: You'll not know Nittu , this was the accident I was talking about -

Nittika : But put that thing down . we'll see it later .

Anu : As you say .

And then she put down the file on the shared table.

Mr.Ashok : So , let's not make it even more suspicious . This is my son, Siddharth and he's my only child . I'm not in good health since some months ago. I've become older and I thought this is the right time to have an heir of our company.He is a learned fashion designer and has been studying at U.S.A and just came back yesterday . Tomorrow I'll hand over my post to my son and for that I've arranged a party . Everyone should be present there . And if possible , please come with all your family members . After the party , I'll have to fly off to U.S.A to go under further treatment . And please don't hide your feelings, everyone should clear their doubts, it's also your responsibility to help your CEO become a perfect one.. Everyone should be coordinated.

Everyone cheered for Mr. Ashok and wished him for his successful treatment.
And as for Siddharth, he got along with his colleagues very soon. But... Something is fishy ~ He has been looking at Anupriya , since he came in < felt something guys 😁>

The meeting was over and everyone was heading out of the meeting room , when suddenly a familiar deep voice awoke the silence prevailing inside Anupriya . It was Siddharth's voice which startled her. Seeing this , Nittika gestured her that she'll go first .

Siddharth : Nice to meet you again . I've introduced myself earlier , I'm Siddharth . And you - Then he stretch out his hand for a handshake .

Anupriya : Myself Anupriya . Nice to meet you too again . 'wow , what a beautiful name ' thought Sid .

Anupriya , locked her hand with his and handshake . But, suddenly a spark made them separate their hands. It was more like an electric shock , a sudden rush of adrenaline -

Anupriya : W-what was that?

Sid : Yeah, what just happen?

Anupriya : I felt like an electric shock.

Sid : Yes... But how can that happen...?

Anu : Maybe, it happens sometimes...
And they shared a laughter.

After some chit-chats, they parted their ways with a 'goodbye'.

Anupriya wasn't aware of something that was happening and Siddharth too...
They're unaware of the signals of the Almighty... But maybe later.

Anupriya drove away with her vehicle...

To be continued

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To be continued...

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