Chapter 30-Maybe

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I could never be a father.

I realize this about halfway through the night when Avery starts crying and he won't stop.

I fell asleep on the floor next to the bed for I feared if I slept in the bed with Avery I'd crush him, and if I didn't sleep in the bed he'd fall off and onto the ground. So I decided sleeping on the floor might cushion his landing if he were to fall.

I struggle to pull myself up to a standing position, but my back aches like hell.

I stretch a little before scooping Avery up in my arms and carrying him out of the room. I shut the door softy, as not to wake Cameron.

I sigh as I rock Avery back and forth, pulling him close to me.

"Alright, what is it?" I ask him.

He continues to sob in my ear.

I remember all the tips Mark gave me about dealing with a crying baby.

"Binkie?" I ask him, attempting to shove his green pacifier into his mouth. He turns that down.

I dig in the diaper bag for teething toys and stuffed animals, but he doesn't want those either.

"Come on Avery." I say as I attempt to make some baby formula one handedly.

Once I've done so I try feeding it to him, but he refuses it.

I even try to change his diaper, but it's not dirty.

I can't think of anything else he might be crying about other than the fact that he's in an unusual place or he wants Rina.

I sigh, rocking him back and forth and back and forth as I sit on the couch in the dark living room.

I eventually grow immune to the annoyance of the sound and I just sit there, my eyes growing heavy.

I switch positions every once and a while and now I am laying on my back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling with Avery on my chest, his crying muffled into my shirt.

I sigh in relief, but then of course he moves his head ever so slightly and the sound intensifies.

I cradle his tiny head with my hand and stroke his fine red hair gently, but he still cries.

I suddenly think of something brilliant that I totally forgot to try.

I begin to sing softly, still stroking his warm, little head.

For a while he doesn't stop wailing, so I sing louder.

He slows his crying, pausing to listen, and when he likes what he hears he quits crying completely.

I don't dare stop singing until I know he is fast asleep, and then I am stuck there with him sleeping on top of me. I wrap my arms around him and shut my eyes, trying to rest.


When I wake again the sunlight is shining in my eyes and someone is pounding on the door.

Avery stirs on his place on my chest, and I cross my fingers that he doesn't wake up as I slowly get to my feet, covering his ears with the palms of my hands so the pounding doesn't wake him.

I open the door, preparing my face with a glare.

"Danny!" Glen shouts just as I open the door, and I shush him. He apologizes softly and invites himself in.

I turn to find Lucy, a terrified look on her face. She gasps and looks as if she's about to scream but I shush her as well, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her inside.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now