Chapter 41-Couples Troubles

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"Danny..." I whine.

"Love you babe." he mutters quickly and softly, not taking his eyes off the computer screen they've been glued to for hours.

I sigh and pick up a magazine off his desk falling down on the arm chair in the corner, crossing my legs.

His phone dings beside me and I pick it up and read the message on the screen.

Dan, call me. Please. -M

It dings again.

Danny boy, we need to talk. Luc has got some more information about tour and she really thinks you aught to hear it. We gotta get more time on rehearsals, figure out wardrobe, get the tech guys together....time's a ticking Dan. -G

I sigh, if he won't listen to me maybe he'll listen to his mates.

"Danny, Mark and Glen are blowing up your phone."

"Tell them I'm busy." he utters.

I nimbly type in his passcode and text Mark back first, then Glen. I say the same thing.

Sorry, Danny is being a dick right now and he won't listen to me. -B

The little fucker! -M

I'm sorry Bryn, hang in there. he gets like this around tour. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about ye. -G

I smile. Glen's such a sweetie.

I put his phone down and glare at him before returning my focus to my magazine.

Seconds later his phone goes nuts with texts from Lucy.

Danny? -L

Call Mark. -L

Now! -L

Dan, you need to get your arse to the studio sometime today! You understand? -L

Daniel John Mark Luke O'Donoghue, answer me right this instant!!! -L

I swear to god if you aren't doing something really productive right now I'm gonna beat your arse. -L

I silence her messages and this time don't even bother letting him know.

I go back to my magazine and not even five minutes later his phone is ringing. Full out ringing.

He lets it ring and the same number immediately calls back.

"Babe could you silence that for me please?" he says as I reach for his phone and switch it to vibrate, "Thanks."

The call ends and then the home phone propped on his desk starts to ring.

He ignores it as well.

"Are you gonna get that?"

"Love you babe." he repeats.

"Danny, seriously!"

"If it's important they'll call back."

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now