Chapter 19-You Wouldn't Understand

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I follow the lady down the hallway and to the elevator.

Straightening my suit and fixing my hair as we walk.

I can't believe what I was doing. I'm such an idiot. Why would I even think to have sex in an office? Why would I even think to have sex with Danny?

Evan gives me a look as I'm escorted through the office.

I give him a sad smile as I'm led into our boss's office.

The lady tells me to sit down and that Mr. Chapman will be in soon.

I can feel my coworkers eyeing me through the glass window of the boss's office.

They are journalists. It's in their job description to be nosey. But right now, I really wish they would mind their own damn business.

I wait for what seems like forever and finally Mr. Chapman comes striding in with a dozen people following after him.

I stand up like he is a king or something and it's impolite to be sitting in his presence.

"Excuse us," he tells all of the people waiting anxiously for his attention at the door, "but Miss Markland and I need to talk privately."

He shuts the door and closes the blinds, sitting down at his desk, his arms folded out in front of him.

I just stand there awkwardly at the door, not knowing what to do.

"Have a seat." he tells me in his deep voice.

"Oh, um...okay." I say, clearing my throat.

"So," he begins after a moment of silence. "Tell me Bryna, and I want you to be honest..."

"Yes sir." I say.

He looks right into my eyes with his olive green ones.

"Did you have sex with a random man in an empty office?" he asks.

"Absolutely not sir," I say. Not a lie. He wasn't random and we didn't have sex.

"Did you have sex with a man in an empty office?"

"No sir." I say. It's still not a lie. We didn't have sex.

"Did you almost have sex with a man in an empty office?"

"No." I say again. This time it's a lie.

"Really?" he asks. "Because Marge at the front office says a strange man came to see you a while ago and you hadn't made an appointment. She said that you told her you knew him, and forced her into letting you take him up for a quick visit, but no one has seen you since."

"As I told the lady that came and found me, I felt sick. I have a cold and the congestion must have given me a headache. I couldn't take it anymore I had to go somewhere dark."

"Miss Markland I thought we'd agreed to be honest with each other."

"We did sir, I'm not lying."

"Are you aware that we have cameras in every room in this building?"

I gulp. Shit.

"Sir," I begin.

"Ms. Markland, the guards, they caught you."

I blush.

"Also they noticed you came in late this morning as you've done several times before."

"I'm really sorry about that, I wasn't feeling well this morning honestly."

"That may be an excuse for now, but Miss Markland, you cannot keep this up."

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now