Chapter 29-Sweet Memories

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I stand there thinking as the water that has turned cold by now washes over me. It mixes with the tears that are silently running down my face.

I will myself to wash my hair, which takes all of the effort I have left. An aching pain runs through my bones as I stand there shaking under the chilling water.

Crying hurts.

I get out of the shower and stand there in front of the mirror.

I look weak. My eyes tired look tired. The huge bags underneath of them are growing more and more permanent as the days go on. My arms look frail, and my skin unhealthy.

I haven't had much of an appetite recently and I haven't been able to sleep. My days only consist of dragging myself out of bed in the morning to go to my new job I've not even had for a full week yet. I work my ass off only to make a small wage and when I get home I'm exhausted, but I can't sleep.

Instead I drink, watch TV, and sit around thinking about how far downhill my life has gone until fatigue takes over.

I sigh and pull on some sweat pants and a t-shirt, slipping into my slippers, throwing my fuzzy robe on, and shuffling over to the couch.

I sit down with a heavy sigh.

Everything reminds me of him, from the picture of a person playing a guitar on the front cover of a magazine lying on my coffee table, to the dollar on the table next to the door that he must've dropped the last time he spent the night, to the slight hum of the heater than he always found annoying.

"I need to get over it." I sniffle. "How hard can it be?"

"Very hard," I answer, breaking down into tears.

I head to the kitchen and find some wine, taking the whole bottle out to the living room with me. I sit in front of the TV and shuffle through a stack of VCR tapes I have on the shelf. I move all of them aside and go to the back where I know it is, finding one labeled Danny and Bryna in nice, cursive writing.

I sigh before popping it in.

"I shouldn't watch this." I tell myself, but I press play anyway, turning off the lights. I curl up on the couch and watch as the first clip comes on the TV.

It's him leaning across the table at dinner and kissing me.

It's me teaching him how to braid my hair.

Then me acting like an uppity British girl as I walk around town in a friend of ours' designer shades and chic fur vest and him laughing at me and imitating my horrible accent.

Now it's us rocking our couples costume at a Halloween party.

And then it is he and I playing leap frog across the house, and him having to bandage up my knee when I fall trying to leap over him.

Next is this commercial for some stupid product we made up.

"Disclaimer: Funky, Junky Trunks is not responsible for any danger that comes from this product." he says in his quick, Irish tone. "We will not give you your money back so you better invest ye shitface!"

I burst out laughing and he sings a little jingle we made up for our product, doing the jig with it.

Next is a video of him sleeping, and then it's me waking him up by jumping on top of him.

Then him pranking me and one of me trying to prank him back but it totally backfiring. I go and pout in the corner until he comes and tells me he's sorry.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now