Chapter 24-What If

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I wake up one morning to an empty bed.

I rub my eyes and blink once more, making sure my eyes aren't playing tricks on me. I was a little drunk last night, but I'm almost positive we hooked up again.

I begin to panic, what if she's left me once more? I can't go through that again.

I roll over and look at the clock on my bedside. It reads eleven fifty-five. I pick up my cell phone and sigh in relief when I see a text from her on the screen.

Danny, it says, I'm really sorry I left without notice, but I didn't want to wake you. I might not be able to come over tonight :( I have plans with a friend. Sorry! I had fun last night by the way...

I smile slightly and I am about to text her back when my phone starts to ring.

I look at the name that's spread across the screen. Mark...

I haven't talked to him since the night of our last show. He knows where I am because I spoke with Glen, but he and I haven't said a word to each other.

I run a hand through my hair and answer the phone.


"Danny," he says.

"Hey Mark," I say. "How ye doing?"

"I'm alright." he says. "What about you though, this is about you. You sound awful chipper."

"Well, I'm doing good, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it's a new day."

I can almost see the look on his face, "Daniel, should I be worried?"

"Worried? 'Bout what? Relax Mark, I'm just doing better. I'm fine. I'm relaxing. I'm on my own. You know I need time away from you two. We've been touring for months."

"I know Danny, it's just. This isn't like you. And I'm worried. I know Glen says that you told him you just needed some time away and that you didn't want to go back to Dublin, but I need to know why."

"I told you why. I need time away from the band."

"Then you could've just stayed at yer house for a week or two. You know we wouldn't have bothered you. I've got my family to spend time with and Glen's got his. We would've left you alone if that's what you wanted."

"That's exactly it Mark." I say. "You've got family. You two have got all these people to think about and I have no one."

"Danny is this about your dad?"

"Does it matter?" I spit. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who cares?"

"You know I lost my mum too. You're not the only one."

"You're right I'm sorry." I say. "I have no right to be acting like this."

"That's not what I meant. You have every right."

"You're not acting like a train wreck."

"That's because I'm not one." he says. "I mean, no offense Dan, but I'm a stable man. You on the other hand..." he trails off.

"Am a mess," I finish for him. "Yea, I get it."

"That's not what I was saying. What I was going to say that you haven't got things figured out." he says. "You haven't realized that just because your old man is gone doesn't mean your whole family is gone. You've got your brothers and sisters and Alish." he says, using my mom's first name which he knows I hate.

"Yea, but it's not the same around them. Plus that isn't even what this is about Mark. I'm just sick of that house okay. It has too many bad memories."

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now