"Alpha!" Jake came rushing into my office. I looked at him bewildered at his rugged appearance. His eyes held the look of fear, and I knew something was wrong.


Crystal's POV

"Crystal, darling will you help me with the cookies?" Gabrielle called out from the kitchen.

I stopped cleaning the table and headed towards the kitchen.

" Here, take these cookies outside to display and bake the rest of them, I will head out and make the delivery" She said as I approached her.

"Aye Aye Captain." I replied, giving her a sailor salute.

Gabrielle laughed at my gesture and headed out.

I took the cookies out to display them; I hummed a small tune while working, I got interrupted as the bell chimed signalling the arrival of someone.

"Welcome to Creamy Creations" I greeted while turning around towards the counter.

"Hello beautiful" the all so familiar guy replied. I rolled my eyes at the guy.

Jay was a regular customer here. His grandmother loves the cheesecakes that Gabrielle makes and makes him buy them daily; when I first started staying with Gabrielle and worked here, I found Jay very annoying with his flirty remarks and cheesy names but slowly I grew on them, realizing he meant it in a funny manner.

"You know I have a name right?". I asked him.

"Well, I like calling you that. Beautiful" He replied with a grin.

I rolled my eyes once again before starting to pack a piece of cheesecake for him to take.

" So, how's life?" Jay asked, I just shrugged in response.

"Same old boring." I said.

"Uhm..have you thought about getting into a college." Jay asked. Gabrielle suggested I should continue my studies and get admitted into Jay's college, I am still contemplating about the idea.

"Still deciding. Will let you know when I make a decision." I said handing him the cake.

"Ok. Sure. See you later. Buh- bye cutie." He said sending a wink before leaving.

I shook my head at his cheesiness. He reminded me of Jake. I miss them so badly. In the last three weeks I thought many times to just go back, but held myself back. I have turned selfish.

I went inside to take out the remaining cookies and arranged everything in place and waited behind the counter for customers to come. Creamy Creations was not very popular but had a decent amount of regulars, it helps Gabrielle to keep her mind away from certain things, which I am yet to know. And now I am using it to keep my mind busy too. I wake up at 8 in the morning and come to the shop, and then go back after closing it. It keeps my brain occupied. And now with the plan to join college, I will have my hands full.

I drifted off thinking how my family was doing, were they missing me? Are Mama and Papa alright? Is Gemma ok? How did Carla and Jake react? And Xavier does he care? I called Melanie once and she told me that Gemma and the others were searching for me. I had requested her to visit my parents if possible and see if they were holding up fine. She promised to let me know about them. She hasn't called back yet though.

My reverie came to an end when the bell chimed again and I looked up to see a handsome guy around my age or maybe a year up standing at the doorway. He gave a lovely smile and said "Hello!".


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait.

So what do you think about Xavier and this new Mystery man?

Let me know in the comments.

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