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"How was class with Umb-itch?" Camila laughed as she caught up with me in the corridors.

It had been another week since Draco and I talked, but this time it felt like we actually weren't going to speak to each other. He only glanced at me during DADA, but I never caught him during meals.

"Awful." I reply, flashing Camila and Gwen a smile.

We all walked down the halls until Gwen turned for Transfiguration class while me and Camila walked to Charms. "How's Malachi treating you?" Camila nudged.

"We haven't really talked much since that run-in with Draco." I mutter, rolling my eyes at the thought of that night. How Draco just stared at me with no expression. "Besides in Umbridge's class, but there's nothing really to do in there anyway."

"You think Draco scared him off?" Camila asks.

"I dunno." I admit. "I feel bad for even liking his company after what happened with Astoria. He's got some bad rep with the Greengrasses."

"Come on, Lue. That was forever ago. Besides, who's going to tell anyone if you fool around a little?" Camila smirked, tilting her head at me.

"Draco." I say plainly. "He told them about the Weasleys."

"Just don't take a picture of him this time." Camila smiled. After a few more seconds, she tilted her head. "You don't believe him?" Camila questions. "You really think he showed them the picture?"

"What else could have happened?" I say, narrowing my eyes at Camila.

"They could have found it. Maybe Draco left it around somewhere." Camila shrugged her shoulders as we entered Charms class.

"Yeah, right. He protected that thing with his life so I couldn't take it back from him." I say, my voice now a whisper as we sat down at our table.

Camila shrugged her shoulders one final time. "What's up, ladies?" Blaise smirked at us when we began getting our books down.

"Barf." Seraphina groaned.

"Shut it, Sera. You know you fancy me." Blaise's eyes shimmered with playfulness as he raised his eyebrows at my sister.

"Keep dreaming, Zabini." Seraphina muttered as Flitwick began speaking.

A few minutes into class, Camila leaned over to whisper in my ear. "I heard Harry and Malachi talking about you when I passed them in the corridors before breakfast."

I try to keep my expression blank as Camila whispers to me, or Flitwick might notice. "About what?" I question, glancing over at Camila.

"Not really sure." Camila said, widening her eyes as a smile crept on her face. "Just heard your name in there a few times."

After a few seconds of silence, she leaned over again. "You should let him hit."

I couldn't help but nudge her, maybe a little too aggressive, because Flitwick stopped talking just to give me and Cam a stare.

I hate when professors do that.

We quickly fixed our posture and looking to the front of the room and Flitwick resumed his lesson, but I couldn't help but smile at what Camila had said.

Seraphina and Blaise looked over at us curiously but soon lost interest when I just stared at the both of them blankly. If Seraphina knew what Camila had said, she would tell Astoria. And as much as Astoria told me it was fine, I knew him and I talking made her worried for me. If Blaise knew what she said, he would tell Draco.

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