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AN: omg i've made twenty chapters in the past week..
i should really be doing school work rn but i much rather be doing this <3


After having breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Camila and Gwen I got to know more about her. She was a half-blood, but she had the cockiness of a Slytherin pureblood, which I adored. Her family wasn't very well known, but I found out she had a younger brother in second year.

She's a shameless person; she admits to everything and anything. She even shagged Adrian Pucey over the summer, but Seraphina doesn't have to know about that.

In DADA class I had told Malachi that I'd meet him in the Slytherin common room after dinner, and he told me he'd see me after quidditch practice. He had tried out just last week and made the team so this would have been his first practice.

I sat in the common room, staring at the flames when I heard the door open. Malachi walked in, sending me an exhausted smile. He laid back on the couch next to me and let out a sigh.

"Tired, huh?" I tease.

His Gryffindor jersey was hanging around him, wet from outside. "You try playing quidditch for two hours and tell me how you feel, Luella." He smiled.

"Mhm." I grinned, reaching into my bag to get our my books. "You couldn't have changed out of your jersey?" I ask, getting out my papers as he did the same.

"Why? You don't think I look good?" Malachi smirks.

"You stink." I say dramatically. He didn't actually smell, but I enjoyed teasing him.

"Yeah, right." He laughed, seeing right through me. "I hate this class. Umbridge has a stick up her ass, giving us two essays within the first week."

"I know." I groan.

I turn to Malachi and he's just staring at me, leaning back on the couch with a smile plastered across his face. After a few seconds he raises his eyebrows. "I like your haircut, by the way."

"I got it almost two weeks ago, Malachi." I chuckle.


"Thank you." I say, tilting my head and smiling before turning back to my papers.

"Umbridge will be the death of me." Malachi mumbled.

"Tell me about it."


After an hour or two of just studying and writing essays, we hear foot steps coming down the common room stairs. And of course, it's the one and only Draco Malfoy.

He furrows his eyebrows for a moment at the sight of a Gryffindor boy sitting with me in the common room. "Who are you?" He asks.

Malachi raises his eyebrows for a moment, obviously recognizing who Draco was. Everyone knew who he was. "Malachi Grayhem."

Draco's face grew amused, like he was holding back a laugh. "Grayhem, huh?"

My body tenses up as I watch the two of them talk. All I want to do is scream at Draco for him to leave us alone, but then Malachi would probably think I was insane. He didn't know anything about what happened.

"Yeah, you know me?" Malachi questioned, a smile on his face.

He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

"Astoria's boyfriend way back." Draco says, tucking his hands into his pockets.

Malachi shifts in his seat, leaning forward uncomfortably.

After a few seconds, Draco scoffs. "What, is this a little date?" He jokes.

"Why's that your business?" Malachi chuckles.

I felt so bad. He had good intentions, but Draco never did. I knew that from experience. "Just leave, Draco." I sigh.

Draco's eyes flicker to me for the first time since he had spoken to Malachi. "Whatever, whore."

I wasn't even bothered at this point. He had done enough to me. Said things to me that hurt worse than that.

But Malachi stood up defensively. "Hey." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.

Draco glared at Malachi dangerously. There was no amusement on his face, just anger. "Step closer, I dare you." He growled.

"What's your problem?"

Draco looked Malachi up and down with a judgmental look on his face. He began smirking and huffed. "Pathetic mudblood."

"Real original." Malachi's face faltered at his words, but he quickly shot back.

Draco's face didn't falter, though. He just continued staring at Malachi, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'd suggest you get back to your own common room, Grayhem."

"Or what?" Malachi asked, he was clearly beginning to get upset.

It wasn't liked me to just sit back and watch two people argue, but I found myself with no words. I didn't have a clue what to even say.

"I'm a prefect and an Inquisitorial squad member." Draco spat. "It's past curfew."

"It's 10:03." Malachi remarked, his eyes narrowing at Draco.

"Past curfew." Draco repeated. Yeah, by three minutes. After a few more seconds of the two just staring at each other, Draco tilted his head in amusement. "I guess I'll just take points from Gryffindor, then."

"You're kidding, right?" Malachi asked in disbelief.

No, he's not.

"Nope." Draco said, smirking. "Get back to your own common room, Gryffindor."

Malachi shook his head. "Unbelievable. You're a dick." Draco didn't acknowledge his words, as he was now looking at me.

Malachi started packing up and looked at me with an apologetic look even though it was likely my fault that Draco was picking on him. I sent Malachi a smile before he left the common room.

As soon as the door shut, I stood up. "You're a fucking jackass, you know that?" I scowl.

"What did I do?" Draco asks, his smile fading but the amusement still twinkled in his eyes.

"You just took bloody house points from someone for being out three minute past curfew, you git!" I raise my voice.

"It's one of my duties." Draco stated as he watched me put my books back into my bag.

"And on top of that," I continued. "You fucking make me get sent to- to the Necessarium. Five, cold, lonely nights, Draco. That's what you owe me. I want you to know how terrible it was in there. How freezing and terrified I felt. I want you to know what it feels like." I say lowly, now right in front of his face.

His smile wipes right off of his face at my words. "I didn't do anything. I told you that."

"You expect me to believe you?" I asked, surprise in my voice. I grab my bag off the ground as tears started threatening my eyes. "I just wanted to have a good night, Draco. You ruin everything."

Draco just stared at me, not knowing what to say or do. His expression was blank.

I shook my head as a tear fell from my eye. "Whatever." I scoff, pushing past him to walk up to the girls dormitories.

I just wanted to start over. Not worry about my parents or Draco.

To spend the rest of fifth year with Camila and Gwen. Malachi, too.

But I knew Draco didn't want me to. For some reason, he still hung on to whatever fucked up relationship we had.

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