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"Oh, dear. What's happened to you?" Rose breathed as she knelt down next to me, placing her duster down. I don't know why she couldn't just use her wand to clean. I wonder if it was my parent's rules.

My neck hurt, that's for sure. I woke up in the same place in the library, looking up at the bright sun. "I'm fine. I just fell asleep."

Draco was gone. He must have left me here.

Rose sighs as she helps me up from the floor. "You worried me."

"I'm sorry." I breathe, fixing my hair. He just left. Not even giving me a blanket or a pillow, or anything. I wonder if he fell asleep too. "What time is it?"

He probably left as soon as I drifted off.

"Uh, 9 o'clock." Rose informed me, beginning to dust the bookshelves.

It's not like I would have expected him to stay, anyway.

"Thank you." I smile and rush out of the library, hurrying to my bedroom in hopes no one would see me like this. I looked groggy and my hair was a mess.

I can't believe I actually fell asleep next to him. He could have... watched me sleep. Bloody hell, that's creepy. I couldn't believe I actually let myself rest in front of him. He's been a dick to me lately. His only insults about me are about my parents, which says more about him.

But then again, he knew that that was the thing that would hurt most.

I stand by my words. Draco Malfoy was a puzzle waiting to be solved.

When I finally got back to my room, it was a mess. My blankets were turned upside down, my curtains were on the floor as carpet, the lamp was carefully placed on it's shade.

I suddenly heard snickers behind me and I whipped my head around to see Astoria and Seraphina standing behind me. "You guys are so funny. Real pranksters." I growl.

"We assumed you had fallen asleep in the library again last night, so we took the opportunity. Don't blame us, blame your strange sleeping arrangements." Seraphina giggles.

"I wasn't going to join her, Lue, but it was quite fun." Astoria admits, a smile growing on her face.

I was glad that Sera had to assume I had fallen asleep in the library. If Draco told them it would sound... weird. Like we were fooling around.

Never in a million years would I fool around with Draco Malfoy.

"How am I supposed to clean this up?" I say, looking around at my room. They had clearly spent their precious time doing this.

"Magic, you fool." Astoria laughs.

"Or you could have Rose do it." Seraphina says.

Magic, thank you.

"Fine. Kindly leave now." I flash them a fake smile, causing Seraphina to squint her eyes at me for a second.

I remember Flitwick taught us the Scouring charm sometime last year. Perhaps I could use that. As I got out my wand, there were two knocks on my open door.

"Quite the mess we made, huh?" Draco teased, sarcasm lingering in his voice. He looked surprisingly well-rested.

"We?" I question.

Draco shrugs happily. "I may have stopped by for a few minutes."

Draco Malfoy stopped by in my room last night to demolish it. The first thought came to me was that he probably stole something. My eyes began wandering the room, thinking of something that he could have taken.

"Relax." Draco laughed with a smirk on his lips. "I didn't take anything." He pauses, looking at my shocked face. "A scouring charm will help."

"I was already planning on it, thanks."

"Sure you were." Draco simpered.

I could feel my face warming with anger. Not lust. This time he was being purely annoying. "Thank you so much for stopping by, Draco." I say slowly as I walk up to the door frame, putting my hand on the door knob, waiting for him to move.

"Your so welcome, Luella." Draco said in a low voice, still just staring at me. But he didn't move.

I was getting ready to push him out of the way so I could close my damn door, but Astoria's voice called from downstairs. "Luella! Come down!"

I fake a smile at Draco as he steps out of the way, following me down the stairs. My jaw was almost on the floor when I saw Astoria and Seraphina standing in the front foyer.

They both had obnoxiously large snow pants on and puffy jackets along with hats and gloves. I saw in the corner of my eye a surprised look on Draco's face, clearly enjoying the sight of them looking like they would walk like penguins.

And they did.

Seraphina shuffled over to me, handing me a pair of snow pants. "Care to join us?"

"What exactly am I joining?" I ask, chuckling.

"We're going to go build snowmen in the backyard." Seraphina smiles. "Come on, I was practically on my knees begging for Astoria to do it."

"I wouldn't miss the opportunity to throw snowballs in your face." I say.

"Great," Astoria breathes. "Draco, you could come too. We have extra snow pants."

Draco's eyebrows raise as Seraphina scowls. They were still angry at each other with the whole bet thing, but Draco seemed to find more amusement in the argument.

"Perfect." Draco smirks, glancing at me for a moment before walking with Astoria to the closet to get him snow pants.

"I asked Morgan but she seems busy in her room." Astoria shrugs.

"I can't believe we have to build snowmen with that git." Seraphina whispers.

"I know." I say, a small smile forming on my face at Seraphina's new hatred for Draco.

I begin putting on my snow pants and winter gear.

As we're about to exit the doors, Draco stops. "I forgot my wand."

Seraphina scoffs. "That would make sense. You have an awfully small di-"

"Uh." Astoria blurts, obviously not wanting Seraphina to finish her sentence. "Why would you need your wand?"

"You wish you could see my-" Draco sneers.

"Wand?" This time I blurted out. "Why your wand?"

Draco's face relaxes as he fixes his posture. "To make the snowmen."

Seraphina starts laughing. "We use our hands, Draco." Astoria says.

"That's the muggle way." Draco shakes his head.

"It's the fun way." Seraphina says, rolling her eyes. We all start walking out the door, the coldness slapping me in the face.

Draco makes a face like he's thinking I guess I'll just have to deal with it, and Seraphina still looks amused from his words.

For someone who's so arrogant, Draco can be quite ignorant.

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