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tw: verbal abuse
"How was detention with Malfoy and Pinebrook?" Seraphina asks smoothly as the three of us walk down the corridors. "Draco's got detention again tonight, so I'm assuming something must have happened." She asks, intrigued, a large smile growing on her face.

"What are you implying, Sera?" Astoria asks, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, what?" I ask, which only causes Seraphina to laugh. I already knew the answer, though. Alex and her were almost the same person- both very dirty minded people.

"Just waiting for you to pop the cherry." Seraphina shrugs as if it's no big deal what she said aloud as we arrived to the courtyard. Seraphina slept around, quite the opposite of me, but I wasn't judging. At least she was getting action. She can drag a guy by his tie to our dorm without even knowing their name and they'll still snog her. Astoria was very hidden about her sex life, but it was clear she wasn't a virgin. "I'm only kidding, Lue. Just curious as to what happened."

"He was being an asshole." I say simply, sitting down at one of the trees with my sisters. I didn't want to tell them about what he said to me about our parents and the two of them. "And I snapped back. Which he didn't like."

"I'm proud of you." Seraphina giggles.

"Just don't start any rivalry, Luella." Astoria says cautiously as she opens her book.

Polar opposites, the two of them. Seraphina was the rebel and Astoria was the ass kisser. I loved them both equally, but sometimes Astoria was annoying. But she's just trying to keep us out of trouble with our parents.

They never hit us as kids. They would never do that. But a part of me thought that what they did to us was worse. A bruise goes away, but words stay with you.

"Don't look at your sister, girls." Mother's voice still managed to be soft while anger burned in her eyes. "She'll get what she deserves, and you two will not feel bad for her."

Seraphina nodded her head quickly as I felt tears prickle in my eyes. "Luella, you will not feel bad for her. Understand me? Or you can go with her."

I nod my head.

Seraphina's hand slipped through mine as we stood in the hallway. It had never seemed so dull and lifeless before. "Good girls. Now go back to your rooms. You'll see your sister tomorrow."

Our short legs ran faster than ever before as we ran up the stairs. "Wait, Lue." Seraphina whispered at the top of the staircase.

I look at her, tears rolling down my face as she holds my hand and sits on the top of the staircase. I shake my head. "We can't, Sera." I whisper.

"I want to know what's happening to Astoria." She whispers before putting a finger over her mouth, signaling me to quiet down.

"You're not to ever speak to that boy again, Astoria!" Father yelled. He was using his angry voice. He only used that voice with clients. "I can't believe this. You've stained our family name. No one will find out about your time with the Grayhem boy, understand me?"

"Stop crying, dear. This is what happens when you're caught sneaking around with mudbloods. You're disrespecting us." Mother says coldly. Usually Mother's voice was kind and accepting. But not tonight.

"I'm sorry, Mother." Astoria's small voice choked.

"You'll spend the night in the Necessarium, okay? Tomorrow morning we will unlock the door. Hopefully this will make you forget about that filthy mudblood." Father spat.

"What's the Necessarium?" Astoria croaked.

"No questions, dear." Mother ordered. "Come with me."

We were only ten when they first put Astoria in the Necessarium. She had been sneaking out to meet a half-blood boy named Malachi Grayhem for a few weeks. Astoria never told me or Seraphina about him because she thought we would tell on her. Nowadays it would be the other way around.

Ever since Astoria spent the night in the Necessarium she's been overly protective of us, always making sure we follow parent's rules. I've only been to it once, and it was possibly the worst night of my life. It wasn't physical torcher, it was mental.

The beginning of third year me and Seraphina were fooling around in Father's office and I broke the glass chandelier with a spell that I messed up. Of course, before we could do anything Mother came into the room. Father was away, which got me lucky, because he probably wouldn't have tended to the cuts from the glass on my arm.

"Who did this?" Mother raised her voice, her eyes wide. "Which one of you did this?"

"It was me, Mother." Seraphina spoke.

My jaw dropped as Mother grabbed a tight hold of Seraphina's arm and she whimpered. "I have cuts. You're hurting me, Mother!" She choked.

Mother let go of Seraphina, a concerned look grew on her face. Despite how cruel she was to us, she had a soft spot. Mother glanced at me as she saw the cuts on me, too, and for a second she looked guilty. "We'll get the two of you to the nursing room. Then, Seraphina, you'll go to the Necessarium tonight." Mother snapped.

"What?" Seraphina trembled.

"No!" I cried out. "No, it was me. I broke it. Let me go. She's trying to cover for me, I swear."

It was cold and small and dirty. Outside, in the backyard, in hiding so no one could find it. The stone was always damp and it was pebbly. It was lonely, completely isolated from anyone. All we were given was a glass of water. I spent the night crying, cold and sad, away from warmth or food.

All parents have their own punishments, but it felt that theirs was the worst. Luckily no one has been sent to the Necessarium since that time in third year. Astoria has made sure of that. We've been doing good, all of us, we're friends with purebloods and we have good grades, which is what Mother and Father always wanted.

hi lovelies!!

i know this was more of a sad chapter :(

but i had to introduce what the greengrass triplets home life / childhood was like because it contributes to the story sooo

anyway i hope your all having a wonderful day and eating good bc u deserve it!!!

how are we feeling so far?

remember meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz