Deleted Scenes

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Evening everyone! I know you all are on edge from how I totally dropped the end of Matchmaker Patch and didn't add a cute fluffy scene at the end, but that was on purpose! See, if I added this into the story, it would be either too long, or wouldn't fit. Anyways, I present to you, 'Phineas and Ferb's Big Surprise' which is focused on the boys' perspective of the Fireside! This one shot will likely be somewhat lengthy since I have to fit both dates in, along with the rest of the day. If you haven't already, I highly suggest reading the book that goes with this because you will get a lot more out of it if you already have, because this fills in the spaces that were between scenes. Happy Reading!

Ferb woke up to the humming of his brother. He slowly opened his eyes and turned onto his side, noticing the redheaded boy more giddy than usual. He squinted at the light shining through the window into their room, but the tranquility of the morning was killed as none other than Miss Candace Flynn burst through the door.

"What are you two doing up so early, and why the heck are there blueprints all over the floor?!" she screamed, causing Ferb to grumble and slam his head into his pillow, shutting out all sounds.

"Whoa, sis, chill out! We're planning something for Emma and Isabella tonight, and we have to be at the top of our game in order for it to work!" Phineas explained, picking up a few of the blueprints from the ground.

"Oh, that's right, you two have girlfriends to impress!" Candace giggled and sat herself down at the foot of Ferb's bed.

"Well, not yet. That's part of tonight." Phineas blushed. "Ferb, wake up!"

Ferb sighed and rolled over to face them, sitting up and yawning. "Phineas is just scared she won't like him for who he is." he teased and looked at his brother, who glared at him.

"That's not it, jerk! Isabella means a lot to me, and this has to be perfect for her. I mean, she's waited for me all this time, so yeah, I'm gonna go all out with asking her to be my girlfriend! If I didn't, I would be an uncultured swine!" Phineas defended himself.

Ferb chuckled. "That's the right answer, bro."

Candace gave her brother a hug. "You'll get her either way. I talked to her just the other day and she was saying how excited she was when you told her how you felt."

Candace and Isabella had grown surprisingly close over the last few months, and they would go to the mall together, do each other's nails, talk about boys, (obviously just Phineas and Jeremy) and just have fun. Nobody saw it coming, but Candace had grown to think of Isabella more as the little sister she never had.

"Sh-she was?" Phineas chuckled and wiped his brow of the new beads of sweat appearing from this information.

"Oh, yes, yes she was! Do you know how long she's waited for you, little bro?" she smiled.

"Don't remind me... she waited far too long."


"Ferb, got the confetti cannon ready?" Phineas asked as the two rolled up to City Hall where the girls were having a group hug.

Ferb nodded and continued pulling the wagon with Buford, Baljeet, and Irving in tow.

"I called Django this morning, he said he had to help his dad set up another giant art gallery, but he should be over in a bit." Phineas told the boys and then put his finger on his mouth as they approached the group of giggling girls.

Isabella spun around after hearing voices. "Phineas?"


Ferb watched Isabella drag Emma away by her one good arm, wincing in hopes that she would not hurt the one that had been sprained earlier during set up. He felt bad for letting her fall, but he blamed Baljeet for shutting off the lights.

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