Twelve | Bagel bites

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Children. . .what would we do without them?

Oh I know- have a peaceful, calming, worry-free, stress-free life.

Now I may sound like a hater of kids but let me make it known that I actually was not. I wanted children someday but that day was not coming up any any time soon. Right now I had bigger problems to worry about. I had to worry about my career, my kinda job, school. Worry about what my plan would be after school was finished.

Should I become a teacher? Maybe I'll become a restaurant owner? Maybe a caterer? Or maybe I'll just day fuck it all and go rob a bank. Choices. . .choices. . .

Right now though, I was proud about one choice that I made - the choice I made about me still being on the pill because the way that the children were acting at this party? I wish their parents the best.

At the time that I had arrived, which was roughly around 3 hours ago, I have seen two children throw up. And no it wasn't because of my food, it probably had something to do with the amount of running that was going on. I've heard many cries - some from babies, some from the adults. I've seen food being thrown. I've seen timeouts occur and I've seen little toddler fist throwing punches.

All in all- I was entertained.

Yes I wish the parents the best, yes I wish that their kids would be able to control themselves in front of others, and yes I wish that the yelling was at a minimum but this was the most excitement/entertainment I have seen this whole week. I knew this party was going to be chaotic but whew they blew my expectations out of the water.

Wait, did I mention that I was at a four-year-olds birthday party? By all the yelling, screaming, and fighting it should've been obvious anyway. Unless your life was a reality tv show, movie or a book- all this yelling, fighting, and shit at a birthday party  was a little chaotic.

Birthday parties were a time for celebration- a time to hang with friends, family. Not a time to have a whos-parent-will-get-pissed-off-first contest. But I needed to remind myself that these were children. Little children who were hyper off candy and attention. Probably hyper off my brownies too-

Dammit. Maybe I added too much sugar? My measurement cup was a little broken so I couldn't see the lines that well and I could've overused the sugar or chocolate. Shit. To busy myself and try to remove the guilt from my adding of extra sugar to the brownies, I snatched a lollipop from the candy table and popped it inside my mouth.

Cherry? My fucking favorite. Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

As my eyes adjusted more clearly to my surrounding - a nice looking backyard, I spied a Ms. Vanessa Smith coming my way. (The host of the party.) Ms. Vanessa Smith that hadn't stopped smiling this whole day. I would've called bullshit a long time ago on her whole act, but during these past few hours all I've seen on her face was gratefulness, happiness and patience.

Nah, I still called bullshit.

Just kidding.

I knew the type of women Vanessa was when I first arrived here a couple hours ago when she was still setting up for the party. When the other food got here later than usual, she didn't cuss them out. When the bouncy house guy brought the wrong animal, she didn't demand for her money back. (He brought a shitty seahorse bouncy house. Now, who actually liked seahorses? No kid I knew did. But I didn't know many so my opinion wasn't exactly valid.) And also, even when her own husband came an hour late to his own child's birthday party- her hands stayed by her side and no shouting occurred. Now that was a patient women. She probably would have some words for the husband later, but me- oh I would've caused a scene.

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