Twenty Six | Smoothie

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I could stay here forever.

I wanted to stay here forever.

Trap me up like Rapunzel. Store me in a castle, high and far away with only Vance as company. Only thing I wanted to be consumed in was him. Vance's hands. Vance's eyes. Vance's scent. I wouldn't go outside like the how the girl in Tangled did. I wouldn't want to go outside. Fuck the grass. Fuck the northern lights. And fuck anyone else who disagreed with me.

Okay, I was stretching it.

But ugh, who can blame me? If anyone else were in my position - in bed with Vance, his hands wrapped around your waist, legs tangled under the comforter - they would be saying the same thing. It almost felt like a dream. I couldn't believe it - him staying over and us. . .cuddling? Was this cuddling? It seemed like it. My heart nodded its head. Fuck it, it was cuddling.

I was cuddling with the man I love.

Woah woah woah - did I really just admit that to myself twice? I thought that maybe it was just a climax thought. Like how some people would just spurt I love you to their partner after they got done 'love making' because of the thrill of it all. I thought it was just one of those thoughts. But, certainly, that was not the case. Right now, I was in bed with Vance - Vance still fast asleep, oblivious from my thoughts - and I just thought the L word. The L word? How old was I? Fuck, it just scared me.

Being in love fucking terrified me.

Especially being in love with a man like Vance. The man who said, he didn't want a relationship. But God, I didn't fucking mean to. It just happened. Life just worked like that - Surprise. Always kept you on your toes. You never knew what could happen. Unpredictable.

Maybe that was why I was still holding Vance tight? Maybe that's why I wasn't kicking him out, knocking him upside the head and shouting at him that it was his fault that I fell in love?

Because life was un-pre-dic-table.

Which meant, that he could be in love with me too? Or meant that, he could be on his way of falling in love with me?

I was a religious girl. The religious type. My parents grew me up religious. Going to church. Praying. Sometimes, I would read my bible. Yeah, most of that stuff I still didn't keep up with but it still held value to me. I had a belief in something. I had hope. I had faith.

I had faith that Vance could fall in love with me. And sometimes all you needed was a little faith.

Ew, I sounded like some vague 'inspirational' bullshit magazine article. Those articles that would tell you what you would need to do, to 'get' a man. It would say: Just have a little faith. Have hope. Also don't forget to supply yourself with some Flat Tummy Tea Supplements. Discount code: WeLoveOurBigGirls.

It was funny how the world worked.

It was unpredictable how the world worked.

And with that final thought, I snuggled more into the comforter and pressed my body more into Vance's embrace. And I found out he was already up because right when I moved an inch back, his hand shot out, attached to my neck, inched it back and I was looking into his brown eyes.

"Good morning."

Ah, was his voice always this soothing in the morning? I wanted more of that- no needed more of that. "Good morning." My voice seemed like it had an extra hop in it. It did.

For the next couple of minutes, we found ourselves just staring - staring into each other eyes. I wondered what he was thinking. My thoughts were absorb with him. Thinking about to what occurred last night. Thinking about to what occurred at school. Just thinking back to about times when we were together. Reminiscing. Remembering. Locking.

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