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Femboys (cuz some people don't like them)

Characters are 18 or over!

-3rd's POV-

A warm dark light began to seep into the dark bedroom through the closed curtains as birds sang outside, luckily being muffled by the window hoping it wouldn't wake the blond on the bed from his slumber. But the sound of an ear piercing noise going off sadly ruined the moment as a groan was heard from the blanket, it soon finally shut off as a fist slammed down against the annoying object making the screen of the digital clock crack.

"Ugh, fucking hell…" a blond man groaned as he rubbed his blurry eyes with the heels of his palms against his closed eyes, he looked over to his right to see a fluff of green curly hair stick out from the warm soft blanket as soft snores were heard. He huffed out a small chuckle then slowly sat up as he squinted his left eye from the light hitting it, another groan vibrated in his throat once again as he stretched his limbs and back before pushing himself off the mattress to get ready.

He grabbed a new pair of boxers and towel as he headed to the attached bathroom, he didn't bother the skin of his feet touch the coldness of the tiles as he placed the boxers on the counter sink. Once he walked in he turned the faucet and turned it to the warm settings and soon feeling the cold water hit his skin but slowly turned into warmth.

He squirted the shampoo on his hand, later placing it on his wet messy spiky locks, soon putting conditioner after. A couple of minutes past he soon later walked out with a towel around his waist even though he wore his boxers under then walked to his closet to take out his hero costume. "Kacchan..?" A tired voice yawned out, gaining the blond's attention to the person, chuckling under his breath once he saw Izuku's messy bed head. "Mornin' nerd." He said, gaining a tired hum from the drowsy greenette, leaning in the contact of his boyfriend's hand on his freckled cheeks, smiling once he kissed the male on his lips. "I'm off to work baby, raccoon eyes and dunce face are coming over later so you two can hang." He told, having the other nod later sticking out his lips for another kiss from the blond, giggling once he returned it. His sharp eyes widened once he felt himself be pulled forward, and back laying on the bed with his greenette clinging onto him.

The hero laughed at this and began to try to remove the male's arms and legs off him only having them be thrown back on him. "Babe I need to head to work." He sighed as he smiled at the male's grumpy face, "you're the #1 hero, can't you just get a day off?" Izuku grumbled as he nuzzled his face on his lover's chest, inhaling the sweet comforting scent of caramel from the blond. "Nerd I can't be a #1 hero if I just take days off everyday." He chuckled having Izuku whine, he sadly and slowly removed his limbs off him then snuggled the soft blankets as he gave the blond an adorable pout. Whining again when Katsuki gave him a quick peck on his forehead, "I'll call you when I get there okay?' The other hummed not even noticing he drifted back to a deep slumber again. He chuckled at this then slowly shifted away from the sleeping male, then slipped on his black hoodie and hat to cover his costume and hair since people will obviously notice his famous ash blond spiky hair people would immediately recognize.

He quietly walked out the room and closed the door behind him then headed down the stairs to the kitchen to make and leave breakfast for Izuku before leaving for work. Minutes passed and Bakugou finally made it to his agency and walked in once he pushed past the reporters and paparazzi. "Bakubro, hey you finally came back! It feels so weird without you." A spiky redhead male smiled to the already annoyed ash blond as he ran to the male, "fuck you want Shitty Hair?" He grumbled as he made his way to the locker room to completely slip on his hero costume, "You missed a lot lately but more paperwork came today for you," Bakugou let out a long groan as he clicked on his belt and boots. He slammed his locker closed shut with unneeded force before sliding on his gloves and wrist bands for his gauntlets. "After I'm done with most of my paperwork, you and I are going on patrol, got it?" He informed Kirishima to nod in response.

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