𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

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Hi people! i am so sorry that i haven't uploaded in ages. I know this is sad, but i am kind of drifting out of the hunger games fandom. i have rediscovered marvel, and i am starting to love that more and more everyday. Don't worry, I will still post sometimes, but probably not as much. 




Another one of my knives hit the centre of the target yet again. The trainers nodded and I grinned. I was in the training centre for Careers and were having the time of my life. I was on fire! Every time I threw my knife and it landed in the centre of the dummy, I felt the smile on my face grow bigger and bigger. I can feel the stares at the back of my head as I, yet again, made another bullseye. I smirk. I know I am easily the best at knives in my age group.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of girls standing behind me. The girls made no effort to be quiet about the mean comments they are about me.

"Look at her clothes. And that hairstyle? 'Think I will puke." This comment made my blood boil. How dare they talk about me like that. I am only twelve!

"Come on Brit, don't be mean."

This comment made Clove turn around. She saw a blond-haired boy with astonishingly blue eyes, telling the girls to not to pick on me. This made the girls recoil in shock.

"What, do you mean, baby?" The lead one whined.

I rolled her eyes. That voice made me want to dig her own grave.

"Brittany I told you not to pick on the new girl," the handsome one said slowly and sarcastically.

"But what do you mean?" The lead one said, who's name is Brittany I think.

The boy rolled his eyes. "I. T.O.L.D. Y.O.U. N.O.T. TO. P.I.C.K. O.N T.H.E. N.E.W. G.I.R.L!" He practically yelled, putting a lot of emphasising on each syllable. He looked at me and I gave him a small smile.

Crap, what was I thinking? Why did I smile at him?

He looked startled and gave a small smile back. Brittany turned her head to see what he was smiling at and saw... me. She saw me smiling at her 'baby' and gave me a death stare. Me, being the sarcastic queen I am, just rolled my eyes and gave her a death stare back. She looked startles and I grinned. I bet not many people had ever sassed it out like me.

I turned my back on the nice (and hot) boy and the annoying girl and her gang and continued throwing knives. I could still feel eyes on the back of my head but decided t ignore them... for now. I took a deep breath and the world melted away. All that was important was the target and my knife. I breathed in and... began.

I pulled out my first knife and sent it straight to the heart. I didn't even need to look. Bullseye. But I didn't stop there. Soon I was twisting and tumbling, throwing knives at the target and not missing. All that mattered was the trainer's opinion and that every single knife was perfect. The knives spun through the air, the light catching on the deadly blade.

After about ten throws I stopped, barely out of breath. It was only when I turned around that I realised that the whole training centre was completely silent, with every single person watching me and my weapons.

"Well done Clove!" The head trainer, cheers, breaking the awkward silence. All of the other trainers began to clap as well and a few of the other Careers that looked like the nicer ones clapped me as well. The nice boy didn't clap but he gave me a smile. I try to ignore the little flutter that makes my heart.

Maybe things will be a little different from now on. 

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