𝐒𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞

561 16 11

Cato's POV

I knock gently on her door. When no one answers, I push the door open. The "DO NOT DISTURB OR I WILL BREAK YOUR FACE" sign falls off the handle. I wince, the bright letters flashing. I continue to creak open the door to Clove's room. The familiar smell of vanilla crowds my nose. I breath deeply. The posters and photos that are normally in most teenagers' rooms are gone. Instead, almost every surface is covered with knives. Throwing knives, kitchen knives, daggers hanging up in frames, some covered in a brownish substance that looks suspiciously like blood. I grin, my blue eyes gleaming.

The black wallpaper automatically gives me a claustrophobic feeling and I rub my bare arms. Then I see her.

Clove has crashed on her mini couch, her chocolate-brown hair tumbling over the side. Her face is flopped onto a pillow and I can see a tiny bit of drool dribbling out of her mouth. I know that Clove wouldn't thank me for noticing. I smile and take out my phone. I swipe right on my lock screen, the smiling picture of Clove changes to my camera. I switch the camera around and face it up to Clove.

SNAAAPPP! Wow. That was the loudest camera click I have ever heard.

Clove lets out a mumble and shifts onto her back, her nimble fingers moving through her hair.

Her eyes stay closed and her thick hair falls off her face. I can see every single of her tiny freckles scattered across her nose. Clove's lashes are thick and browner than I thought. The sunlight from her half open curtain causing rays of light to fall on her face. Her movement stirs up dust particles and I can see them floating in the light. I grin. Sleep makes her face gentle, lacking in her usual anger, passion, fierceness and pride. Sleep makes her face look five years younger, the creases from stress dissolving as her chest falls up and down softly.

I sit down next to her.

"Hey Clover," I say quietly, running my hands through her brown hair.

She murmurs, turning onto her side.

"You ready for our date?" I ask, a small smirk across my face.

Clove keeps her eyes closed. "Five more minutes," she whispers hoarsely.

"Why are you so tired?"

"Stayed up all night practicing..."

She doesn't need to continue. Clove's parents favor the oldest, and they are always comparing Clove to her older brother. He has great grades and is very skilled in most forms of fighting. It doesn't matter that Clove is the best in the city with throwing knives, every time she misses her parents scoff and say that her brother doesn't miss. Because Clove is so competitive, she will push her body to the break to be the best. One of the reasons me and Clove have such a good relationship, is I love to train as well, and we are always competing. I am probably a bit better at wielding a sword, but Clove works harder than anyone I know.

I grin. "Whenever your ready."

"Thanks, Blondie," Clove says, her pink lips smiling gently.

I chuckle softly. "Aren't you cute."

Clove's emerald eyes snap open. "Listen up tough boy, I am a lot of things, but I am not..." Clove yawns.

I laugh. "Super cute."

She huffs.

I put the scowling Clove on my lap. Then I lean against the couch. She crosses her arms for a minute before I can feel the tension releasing from her body.

My girlfriend lies down on my chest, her eyes closing gently. I hear a gentle snore.

"So cute," I whisper in her ear.

"Go sit on something pointy," she murmurs, basically asleep.

I grin to myself.

This is probably one of my favourites cause I find it super cute *smirk*


𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 | whatever i feel likeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum