chapter 4

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Pov Naomi

Today is the day i will be a student for a day at my new college, Just to see if will like it. As you can imagine, i'm pretty nervous. My anxiety is already Kicking in.

Why? Because i don't know anyone, and i am the most awkward human being walking around on this earth. Trying to make friends will be, well, interesting.

Last night i tried to fall asleep for 2 hours, i couldn't stop thinking about Sunset Curve. It makes me anxious to know that there are insanely talented people like them walking around in that college.

I put on a casual summer dress. After that, i brush my teeth, and quickly apply some makeup to conceal the dark circles that Decided to say hello.

Before almost falling down as I walk down the stairs, I made it safely to the ground and put on my shoes.

''Naomi, why are you up already?'' I hear my dad ask me from out the kitchen. I stumble towards him, still trying to get one shoe on, and sit down at the dining table with a deep sigh.

''Why do you think?'' I answer his question, with another question. Something he gets irritated by very quickly.

But this time, he just chuckles and looks at me. ''Let me guess, your unicorn woke you up?'' I snort and look up at him, what is he on?

''Dylan told me about your little excuse yesterday... You had to walk your unicorn?'' He explains when he noticed the confusion on my face, trying to be serious but failing miserably.

I groan and note not to forget to hit my brother when i come back from college, he deserves it after all.

''Forget about that, i'm just nervous, dad. When Dylan and i went to that concert yesterday.. i- they are just really talented, way better than me,'' i mumble and focus my eyes on my hands that are placed on my lap.

''Naomi, you have something special, and i am not just saying that because you are my daughter. You are talented. There aren't a lot of musicians like you in this world, trust me.'' He tries to assure me with a small smile on his face.

I decide to just leave it for now. I am very open about my struggles and feelings, but when i am in the moment of my feelings, i just want to be left alone. I don't know if that makes sense, but for me it does.

''Thanks dad, but now nothing can calm my nerves down. '' i bite my lip and sigh deeply, I will be alright, i know I will. But i think going to a new school or college is nerve-wrecking for everyone, not just me. I know i'm not the only one feeling like this right now, so it's fine.

After breakfast i still have to wait an hour before i can leave, I woke up way too early. Thanks to my nervous ass.

My dog Aleika walks over to me and lays her head on my leg, i giggle and shake my head. when i'm nervous or when i am having a panic attack, she always calms me down by comforting me. It is the sweetest thing ever.

I pat her head softly, ''Hey little girl,'' i whisper.

She wiggles her tail and licks my hand, basically telling me that she is there for me. My parents bought me Aleika when she was a puppy. It was in a time where i was having a lot of panic attacks and where i was really depressed. It is still the best present i ever got in my whole life.

I hear someone coming down the stairs, and i already know who it is by the heavy steps. My brother. And besides that, it can only be my brother because, my mom always works early shifts, she is a doctor.

I smirk and run towards the door, hiding behind it and ready to hit him. I didn't think he would be awake so early, normally he sleeps in until 12am. That lazy shit.

You are my miracle - charlie Gillespie FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora