21. Highschool Careers and Hospital Stays

Start from the beginning

"You know, I also brought some comic books. I'm not too sure what I was thinking though," he laughed. "It's not like you can see the pages, and the artwork is like, most of the fun, so that idea was kind of a bust. But I did think to bring something else"

I heard him shuffling something around, what sounded like a bag. Not one of those annoying, crumpling plastic bags, but more of like a drawstring one or something. He seemed to have brought a lot of things too, judging by the amount of shuffling and time it was taking him to get whatever he had out of the bag.

"I brought my speaker. I figured when we're alone I could play some music for us or something. Although I'll have to play it quietly so we don't bother the other patients... but it's better than nothing!" He was trying to sound optimistic, I could tell, but he was beginning to fail. I wish I could just wake up right now and hug him and assure him that I was fine, but I couldn't. I'd have to wait for god knows how long before I could do something like that.

He sighed before I felt his hand rest on my arm. "I really hope you wake up soon, Gee... you've only been asleep for a few hours now but I really miss you already. I hope you're at least not suffering in your head or something while you're in a coma. I would hate to find that out." He stopped for a second, before he added one more thing to his sentence. "I love you Gee. I hope you know that. Please never be afraid to tell me anything." And right after that, as if it was on cue, mom and the doctors walked back in.

"Alright. Mikey we have to go now," I heard mom say. Then she walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead. "Get better Gerard, I love you." They walked out, and I was left alone.

A few hours later, I heard some more footsteps coming inside, and the closing of the door, and someone sitting down on the chair that Mikey was previously sitting in. I didn't know who it was at first when they grabbed my hand, but when they interlocked their fingers with mine, I figured it had to be Frank. That was soon confirmed by the sound of his voice.

"Hi Gee. The doctors told me I could visit you privately. I don't think they know I'm your teacher, the paramedics didn't tell them. I just told them I was a close friend of yours." He sighed and clutched my hand even tighter. "A lot of things are fucked up right now, but I've kind of got the reason why, so I probably owe you an explanation."

As much as an explanation would help me right now, I didn't want Frank to feel like he owed me one. I mean, it wasn't his fault that I got hit by a car. Unless he was the one driving it. And even if he was, I would probably forgive him for that without a second thought anyway.

"This is going to be real hard to tell you- uh, Vanessa hit with you with the car. Intentionally." And somehow that came as no surprise to me. The bitch already hates me enough, she'd probably do anything. "And there's uh- a reason why she's been mad at you this whole time and I know the reason and.... fuck I don't want to have to tell you this. I don't even know if you can hear me for fucks sake."

I desperately hoped he wouldn't stop there. Not when I've been trying to figure out for so long why she hates me so much. I mean really, people have a tendency to hate on gay people, but to go that far? Especially when I had never interacted with her? Now that was just ridiculous.

He sighed once again before going on to explain to me what exactly happened. "She- she had a crush on me Gee. Well, has a crush on me." I felt myself getting angry. Vanessa had seriously been pulling all this shit with me over a stupid crush? "And... there's probably something else I need to tell you, but it's harder to say... I don't really want to remember it that much."

Oh god tell me Frank, I need to know. If it's that bad I need to know what happened. I'm not going to let her get away with anything if it's for the life of me.

*Trigger Warning*

As he was talking, it sounded like his throat was closing in on itself, probably from nervousness. "She- she pulled me into the closet this morning   before school and... she started kissing me. I tried to pull away, but I was backed against a wall. And then I tried to call for help but she put her hand over my mouth and-" his voice faltered at the end, and it sounded like he began crying. "She touched me against my will, I- I can't explain to you how gross I feel right now." He was full on crying now, and that made my heart break.

If there was one thing I wanted more than anything, it was to wake up right then and there and be able to hug him, and kiss him, and tell him that it was going to be okay, and that it wasn't his fault. I wanted to be with him again and be able to interact with him to make him feel better.

As for Vanessa, I wanted to walk right over to that bitch, spit at her, and then slap her right on the face. I wanted to make her suffer for what she did to my Frankie, what he'll have to remember for the rest of his life. That shit is traumatizing, I wasn't going to take it lightly at all.

But sadly neither of those things could happen right now, and all I could do was feel Frank's hands wrapped tightly around my own. All I could do was listen to him sobbing as he probably replayed what had happened in his head. All I could do was sit here. And that would be all I could do in the next few days.

"I'm sorry for breaking down here, I tried really hard not to cry. I just couldn't," he sniffed. "I knew I had to tell you though. Hopefully you can hear me. I really don't want to have to say that all over again," he laughed humorlessly. "But I guess it was a good way to practice telling you even if you can't hear me right now."

I was really proud of him for deciding to tell me that. If only I was able to actually voice my appreciation out to him. But I knew how traumatizing that must have been. You don't go through that type of thing and just forget about it, and it's even harder to tell someone else about it.

"I guess I should probably leave soon, before visiting hours are over. It's getting pretty dark anyway." After he said that, he got up and placed a kiss on my forehead, and then he gently put my hands back resting on my sides. "Please wake up soon Gee... I miss you."

And then he left and walked out the door, leaving me alone once again to think about all the things that had just been said.

And there it is, I hope this chapter was at least somewhat entertaining. Things will pick up in the next chapter so it'll be more involved. I'll try to get it out at least by the next week, so I'm not waiting too long.

Chapter Planning:

Chapter Planning:

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