8. Promposal

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AYO READ THIS: So the first part this chapter will be taken from Mikey's point of view heheh. After that, it'll switch back to Gee. All in all this is a pretty cute chapter!

Prepare for trouble and make it double (because this title might apply in two different ways [Pun much intended])

Me, Pete, and Gerard were sitting in math class, waiting for the final bell to ring. We had finished all our assignments, so right now we were just talking. Today was the day I was going to ask Pete to prom, and I was nervous as fuck.

I had a note taped to my bass already that I set out this morning. It was a very simple one that read, Will you go to prom with me? I hoped he wouldn't accidentally think the note was meant for someone else and think that I just left it there. Oh god, what if he was planning to ask someone to prom and I would just make a complete fool of myself?

Apparently my nervousness was obvious, as Pete rested his hands over mine in attempt to calm me down. "Your hands are shaking, Mikey. Are you okay?" I looked up at him and saw a concerned look in his eyes for me.

"I-I'm fine... just thinking about something is all." My leg was also bouncing up and down, and to be honest, I was a shaking mess right now.

"Anxiety?" He asked. I nodded. "Hey that's okay! Listen, just take deep breaths, alright? Don't focus on your thoughts, focus on me instead. Focus on my words."

I tried to tune out my unnecessary worries and only listen to what Pete was saying. The more I practiced it, the more it started to work. His voice was really comforting in this type of situation, and I was glad he was here to calm me down.

"It's okay, Mikes. I'm right here, I got you. Everything will turn out great in the end." After reassuring me of different things, he started clouding my mind with good memories. "Remember that time that I went to your house and we accidentally burnt the pizza in the oven? And then we blamed it on Gee's pet hamster, but your mom didn't believe us." I laughed at the memory and nodded.

With Pete's help, I eventually was able to calm down. "Thank you, Pete. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'd probably die or something, I don't know," he joked causing me to chuckle.

"Hey I was wondering. Would you want to come over to my house after school?"

He nodded eagerly. "Is Gerard gonna be there, or just you and me for the night?"

That's when Gerard decided to hop into the conversation, providing us with very helpful info. "I've actually got to go to a friend's house later today, so you guys will be on your own for awhile. I hope that's alright."

I silently thanked him by subtly nodding in his direction, and he shot me back a small smile. After he was done, he turned back around in his chair, leaving me and Pete to conversation.

"So Pete, I know you play bass. I was thinking maybe we could show each other a few lines?" It was a curse trying to figure out how to casually bring this all up in conversation. This plan was going smoothly so far, but I really didn't want to end up fucking it all away.

"That sounds great Mikey." Right on cue, the bell rang, and since this was our last class, it was time to head to my house.

Gerard turned around to face me once more. "Have fun guys. Mikes, here's my friend's house number if you need to call me at any point." He handed me a slip of paper, and I discreetly looked at it. It read, ''You got this Mikey! Just don't sweat it, you'll do great, I know. :)"

I smiled before folding the note and placing it in my pocket. "Alright, lets go Pete," and we headed out towards the parking lot.


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