10. A Bittersweet Prom

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Everyone get ready because shits about to go down down in an earlier round.

I straightened my tie, looking into the mirror at my appearance. I had gotten used to crossdressing, so now the feeling of masculine clothes was completely foreign to me. Mikey was standing beside me in the bathroom, straightening his hair out.

"You ready, Mikes?" I asked, smiling in his direction. I could tell he was nervous since his hands were shaking as he straightened out his hair.

"Oh yeah I'm uh, just a little nervous." I patted his shoulder to reassure him.

"That's okay Mikey, you'll be fine. Pete would never judge you for a second, you know how nice he is." Mikey nodded before unplugging the straightener and combing his hair down.

After I finished taming my hair so that it wasn't messy anymore, I put on just a little bit of eyeliner. Even though I wasn't dressed feminine today, I decided I could still add some slight bits of flair to my look. A little eyeliner never hurt anyone, well, unless they accidentally poked their eye with it.

I was finally done with everything, so I headed to the kitchen and picked up my keys, ready to drive to the school building.

A few seconds after, we got a ring on the doorbell, and I walked over and opened the door. Pete was standing outside with a bouquet of flowers, and I practically squealed from how lucky Mikey was. "Mikey get your ass in here!" I yelled across the house.

"Wh-what?" He asked as he walked into the living room. When he saw Pete, a shade of red flushed over his cheeks and he slowly made his way over to him. "You g-got those for me?"

"Sure did, Mikes," he replied, handing the flowers to Mikey. Mikey took the flowers and quickly got out a vase and some water, putting the flowers in there to keep them alive for just a little while longer. He set the vase down on the table and walked back over to Pete, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Aww," I whispered to myself as they shared their moment.

"I'll be taking him to the school building now, if you don't mind. See you there?" I nodded and escorted them out the door, grabbing my keys on the way out.

I waved goodbye as they got into Pete's car and drove away. After they were gone, I locked up the door and headed to my own car.

Once I was inside, I turned the key in the ignition and drove away from the house, heading in the direction of the school. The song playing on the radio was "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie, which I so skillfully sang along to on the way there.

When I arrived at the school building, I saw a whole bunch of students crowded near the entrance waiting to get in. I quickly parked the car and joined in the line of students.

There were a whole bunch of couples. Most of them were straight of course, being the majority. I did however notice Lindsey standing arms-linked with another girl. I couldn't exactly remember what her name was, but I definitely recognized her face.

I looked around trying to find any signs of Frank, but to no avail. Maybe he was inside? He was a staff member, so it would make sense if he was already in the building.

Finally the line moved along and I reached the entrance. They quickly gave me a rundown of the rules, where everything was set up, and other things like that. I knew for sure I didn't want to go to the punch table, because knowing this school, it would definitely be spiked. Even worse, that would bring up the opportunity for someone to drug my drink again, and I really didn't have the energy to deal with that right now.

I went inside the building and made my way to the gym. Tons of kids were already in there, dancing to the music that was playing over the sound system. I looked around to try and find Frank.

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