24. What Happens In The Janitor's Closet Stays In The Janitor's Closet

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Ugh I reached the chapter name character limit. The full name was supposed to be, "What Happens In The Janitor's Closet Stays In The Janitor's Closet. (Or Does It?)" Bitch, Fall Out Boy should hire me to write their song titles.

The next day couldn't arrive fast enough. Me and Frank decided to stay apart until the whole Vanessa situation was sorted out. It would be much too suspicious if the cops showed up at Frank's house to update him, and they found me there once again. A one time encounter wouldn't be a problem, but twice in a row would have them questioning my honesty.

This entire thing was extremely risky. After I got the idea of the cops checking the cameras, I remembered that me and Frank had in fact shared a kiss in one of the closets. I thanked the lord, or whatever supernatural being you believed in, that the particular closet we were in was not the same that the whole 'incident' happened in, and there weren't cameras in the gym's janitor closet.

I was also thankful that me and Frank had never done anything like have sex in the school closet or blow each other under a desk or some shit like that. Given that might have sounded like a hot idea, but I was smarter than that, and I knew it would be much harder to cover our tracks if there were other teachers that reported hearing moans next door.

And I started to feel extremely suspicious when the cops called me, and I thought for a moment, "oh shit, maybe I voiced some of those thoughts out loud," because even if the cops weren't with me right now, the government could totally be spying on me from my phone. I answered anyway. Maybe they found information.

"Gerard, can you come back to Mr. Iero's house? We have more information on the matter."

"Yeah, I will. I'll be there in a second." And I hung up once again, picking my coat up from the couch and tying my shoes. I had to dress unusually straight as of recently and it was honestly killing me. I hadn't even put on eyeliner in the case that the cops might've questioned it, which they really shouldn't have, but you could never be too careful.

Mikey wasn't in the house currently for whatever fucking reason, something about going on a date with Pete. Mom was never home anyway so I wasn't concerned about her. Whatever. With them out of the house, they wouldn't question me going out. Because let's face it, I almost never went out. The most outgoing I had ever been was when I had crossdressed this year, and those days were pretty much done and gone.

When I got to Frank's house, I noticed there was still only one cop car, so whatever it was, they had it under control. At least I hoped.

I knocked on the door and was soon greeted by a calm looking Frank. "Come inside," he said casually, and I walked in and sat on the couch. The cops were in the same place they were before.

"Okay so now that we have both of you, we'd like to inform you of Vanessa's situation." I nodded and tried to relax. It'll be okay Gerard, Vanessa won't get away with this.

"Did you find the evidence on the cameras I told you to check?" Frank asked, sitting on the couch beside me, but a fair distance apart so we wouldn't arouse suspicion.

"We did," one of the cops confirmed. "It's pretty much all there too. Clear as day. You showed signs of struggle and discomfort, and well, that's rape..." Frank flinched at the word, and I wanted to comfort him so badly but I knew I couldn't. Not until they were gone. "Not to make you uncomfortable or anything, we know how hard it can be."

"So what are you going to do with Vanessa?" I pressed on. I wanted to know what kind of suffering the little bitch would have to go through.

"As for Vanessa, we're sending her to jail. She'll be in there for at least 15 years, even more if this happens again. That's all we needed though. Thank you boys for being cooperative."

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