17. Process of Elimination

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Plot progression at its finest, get that RISING ACTION (my English teacher would be proud if this wasn't gay fanfiction).

The next day was equally as important as the day before, if not more important. Now we had officially begun getting to the harder eliminations. We were running out of options here, and I was worried we would have to give up eventually.

But now was not the time for that. We would have to keep going for the sake of me and Frank's relationship. I had to find out who was behind this.

"Okay so next we have the volleyball team up... hmm. What about Vanessa? Do you know her?" I chuckled at the memory of Lindsey snapping at her, but then I remembered Pete was waiting for a response.

"Oh- yeah. That's a definite possibility, don't eliminate her. I don't think she's a very big fan of me." Pete nodded and put a star next to her name.

"Lia... Jasmine... Heather... Maggie... do any of these girls have any problems with you?" I thought for a moment about the interactions I had with each of them.

"Well, Lia and Jasmine used to sit next to me at lunch and tell me all their boy drama and I would usually help them with that. It can't be them, they wouldn't do something like that." He nodded and crossed their names off the list.

"What about Heather and Maggie?" These ones were harder decisions.

"I haven't talked to Heather all that much, though she seems like a mean girl. I'd say keep her there for safe measure. I think you can go ahead and cross Maggie off though. She hardly has any connections to me, so she wouldn't be able to get my number."

The list was now narrowed down to a few select social groups.

The cheer squad, student council, the popular kids, and my personal least favorite; the football team.

Not that football wasn't a lovely sport. In fact, I would probably go to more football games if the players at our school weren't jerks. Unfortunately it couldn't be that way.

If they saw me in the bleachers, they would probably start spitting out mouthfuls of Gatorade at me. I really didn't want that. It would've ended up bad for my makeup, considering most of it would probably run off with the liquid.

Ha, not that any of the guys would take me seriously with makeup on anyway.

"Uh, Gerard. I hate to interrupt our little investigation here, but Frank looks... really sad. He's over there at that table." Pete pointed to a table in the corner of the cafeteria where the teachers usually sat down.

He was right. Frank looked really upset. I hoped he didn't think that I was ignoring him.

Then I realized that's probably exactly what he thought.

"Oh my god Pete, Frank thinks I'm ignoring him! What am I supposed to do?" Now I was setting into panic mode, having figured out why Frank looked so upset.

"Okay shh calm down, I've got this buddy." Before I could question him, he got up from the table and started walking towards Frank, which made me wonder what in the world he was about to tell him.

Pete didn't have very much book smarts, but he was very clever, so luckily he was able to make facial expressions and motions that made it look like he was asking Frank a question about school. With these methods, he was able to avoid dragging attention to himself. Just to make sure, I looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping, and no one was looking that way, so I figured they weren't.

Soon enough Pete was heading back to the lunch table, and just in time for me to ask him what he was doing over there. "What was that about?"

He took a bite of his sandwich before explaining. "I told Frank the whole situation. He's not upset with you. I also told him that he could confirm this statement by texting you the phrase, 'I wish you would text me again, I want someone to water my flowers with.' Thats code for 'I understand and I'm not made at you,' just so you know."

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