It was time for bakugo and midoriya to go up with all might, to be completely honest this fight made me nervous compared to the other fights. I am only nervous cause who knows what uncle allmight would do and who knows what bakugo or midoriya would do seeing the two don't get along well, but i see why allmight wanted them to work together it was smart but then again not really.

Bakugo decides to fight All Might in order to handcuff him while midoriya says that avoiding the fight with All Might and escaping is a better course of action and i would have to agree with midoriya, they dont know all might like i do they can get into serious trouble but as usual bakugo ignores Izuku's suggestion and begins going toward All Might. 

Midoriya tells Katsuki that the idea of him beating All Might is ludicrous 

don't worry broccoli boy i agree with you as well bakugo is just being a big dummy right now. 

Katsuki smacks Izuku onto the ground

*sigh* this fucking bitch never stops they'll never get along cause of him

 Katsuki angrily orders midoriya to stop talking but Izuku continues to talk and  says that he is talking because he wants them to pass. Izuku and Katsuki get into an argument, Katsuki declares that he can pass the test himself and didn't need Izuku's help in the first place 

wow bakugo, that's tough talk for someone who could have died during the sports festival by me but umm ok anyways

Izuku says that bakugo's bad anger is the reason nobody likes him except me. Suddenly, All Might throws a punch which devastates the area Izuku and Katsuki are in which causes midoriya to fall down. All Might decides that its time for him to enter the battlefield.

Mina~ Mannnnnnn i hope they dont get hurt

Kirishima~ They'll be ok mina, they're both strong i'm sure they will come up with something 

Kirishima says puling her in for a hug which causes me to smile

i see you mina, get your man babes!

Izuku is shocked at the level of All Might's power despite being handicapped but. All Might declares to the duo that he is a villain and collateral damage means nothing to him. All Might charges at the duo.  This honestly scared me , uncle all might was going crazy and hard on the boys what the hell happened to him.

Feeling All Might's pressure, Izuku tells Katsuki that they have no chance of winning and should run away. 

However, bakugo refuses to run away. He uses stun grenade against All Might which distracts him he charges at All Might, but the Symbol of Peace grabs his face, stopping his advance. bakugo launches a flurry of explosions  against All Might. However, his explosions do not seem to faze the Symbol of Peace. 

Oh dear...bakugo just fucking run you idiot stop trying to fight him

All Might slams Katsuki down onto the ground. This made my stomach turn upside down, All Might turns his to midoriya who was clearly planning on avoiding him. He questions Izuku on his decision to escape. 

midoriya was wondering why All Might's words reminded him of the Hero Killer. Izuku jumps away from All Might, but Katsuki has also leapt towards him at the same time causing the duo collide in the air as a result. 

After the recoil, Izuku practically begs bakugo to escape with him as they have no chance of winning.  And Katsuki still refuses to escape, saying that he will win because that is what a Hero does. 


 calm down Barbie. 

i- fine...

Izuku tries to convince Katsuki otherwise but to no avail. Suddenly, All Might appears in the air wielding a guardrail All Might pins Izuku on the ground, then punches Katsuki in the stomach before he can attack, greatly injuring him and sending him flying backward. 


 i scream from the top of my lungs hoping someone did something at this point i was shaking in fear and an inch away from crying and going out there myself and shutting the whole thing down.

All Might approaches Katsuki and says that he understands his jealousy of Izuku's sudden growth, All Might tells Katsuki that what he is currently doing is a waste and must grow his willingness to borrow other peoples' strength. The weakened katsuki struggles to get up and tells All Might that if he must rely on other peoples' strength, then he would rather lose. 

Disappointed with bakugo's decision, All Might prepares to finish off bakugo.

Katsuki tries to move but to no avail. Suddenly, Izuku activates one for all  and breaks free of the guard rail, Izuku charges and punches Katsuki out of harm's way. Izuku grabs Katsuki and leaps into an alley to escape from All Might but ends up falling.

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