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"~You felt the weight of the world fall off your shoulder~"




I groaned, "Five more minutes pleaseeee." I mumbled.

Aubrey threw a pillow at me.

"Aubrey? When did you come here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to adjust my eyesight.

I couldn't really hear her response, it felt like all i could hear were murmurs. She opened my curtains, showing the bright sun, "AH AUBREY! CLOSE THE CURTAINS!" I whined. I could hear her sigh, "Y/N you've been asleep for many hours now. And plus, you have to go eat breakfast." I could finally hear her more clearly now.

I flipped to the side of my bed, feeling extremely exhausted. "Y/N what happened to you? Did you drink last night?" Aubrey asked suspiciously, she brought a plate of waffles and coffee  onto my bed, along with some Advil, plopping down beside me.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I drank last night. You literally gave me a drink Aubrey." I responded, snatching the plate and stuffing a whole waffle in my mouth. I could see her roll her eyes, "Well then.." she sighed, "Why did you leave me in the middle of the dance floor with that disgusting human being?"

"Are you talking about Matt?"

"Yes I'm talking about Matt. Who else would I be talking about."

"I don't know-"

"I even saw that son of a bitch- what's her name? Blair? Yeah she couldn't even drink out of those red solo cups cause she thought it had germs on it," Aubrey interrupted.

"Wait- Blair came?" I asked, with my mouth full.

"Yeah, you talked to her remember?"

I what?

"I talked to her?"

"Um yes."

"I talked to Blair?"

"Oh my god do you have any ears! Yes you did talk to her Y/N." Aubrey said, getting out the daily newspaper and reading it.

"Well what did I say to her?"

"Why would I know. You left me with Matt on the dance floor. MATT. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF AN ASS HE CAN BE Y/N?"

"And I'll take your word for it! I'm just trying to remember what happened last night." I said back. 

"Oh shit." Aubrey mumbled. "What? What is it?" I asked

She started giggling, "What is it Aubrey?!" I asked again, annoyingly. She glanced up at me from the newspaper, "Did you get wasted last night Y/N?" She asked, giggling even more. I scoffed, "What! No. Why would I?"

"I mean- look at you. You look like a mess, And you smell like alcohol." she responded.

Oh my god.

Still into you~ A Louis Partridge fan fictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora