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"~And even baby our worst nights, I'm into you, I'm into you.~"




"What are you doing here?" he asked, staring at the floor. 

"I just wanna say that there should be no more awkward tension between us." I said, looking at Aubrey who was giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes. "Really? Cause you made it pretty clear that you never wanted to see me again after you fucking pushed me of of my chair in detention." he said, finally glancing at me. "Well you kind of deserved it. I have to admit." I mumbled, glaring at him, causing him to chuckle, "I don't get it." 

"Don't get what?" I asked, playing with my hands. I honestly wanted to get out of here. I could feel people staring at us. "I honestly don't get why you are talking to me now, when you should'e a long time ago." he said, bringing his attention fully to me. Is this man serious?

"You have to be kidding me right now." I said to myself. "What?" he asked in a bored tone. "I am not answering your statement Lou." I said, getting up from the bench. I wanted to quickly run away and act like this never even happened. "Since when did you call me Lou?" he asked out loud. Causing me to turn around, "I- I meant Louis." I stuttered.  he raised one eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure I heard the name Lou Y/N" he said, smirking. 

I shook my head. "You always have your way don't you?" I said, forcing out a sarcastic laugh. Making students turn around and notice us. "What do you mean exactly?" he said, getting up from the bench and walking towards me. I felt tingles all over my stomach. But then I quickly shooed them away. "You always have your way in everything. And I'm so tired of you pretending to be someone you're not." I said sternly, causing his smile to fade away. All the students in the courtyard started whispering things to each other.

It took him a long minute to respond, "I'm not pretending to be someone else. This is the real me. And if you don't like it then you should go." he said back, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "The old Louis would say something different." I mumbled.

"Why are you so stuck in the past Y/N?" he uttered, we were a few inches away from each other. "Me? I'm stuck in the past? You dumped me for some rich, probably prettier girl, and act like we never existed!" I yelled. He sighed, "Look, I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"But you did. You hurt me." I blurted out, interrupting him.

He became silent, staring at me for a very long time. I took a deep breath, "You hurt me, and I will never in my life, ever forgive you Louis." I said sternly. 

"Y/N come on! We have to go!" Aubrey yelled from across the courtyard. I nodded and left him standing there, I felt powerful.

 I ran to Aubrey. "Holy shit Y/N you are badass!" Aubrey said, nudging my arm with her elbow. I rolled my eyes and giggled.


Louis's POV

What the hell just happened?

I stood there, still not moving. Watching her walk away with Aubrey. 

"Hey Louis! We are gonna be late for our next class." William shouted. I groaned. I got my skateboard and ran back inside the school.


Me and Will were in the library. I didn't know why we were here though. 

"I'm thinking of asking Aubrey out." Will whispered. We were both sitting behind the bookshelves. I was stacking books on top of each other until it made a small tower. "Aubrey?" I asked, "Yes, Aubrey." he said, drawing random stuff with his pencil on his dirty converse. "Why?" I asked. He hit me with a book, "Are you kidding me! She's gorgeous. And funny. And her personality is everything." I laughed, "Awe. Are you in love Will?" I asked jokingly.

"Oh shut up. What about you? How's Blair?"

Blair. My new current girlfriend. I met her on the day I auditioned for a role in Enola Holmes. She is the daughter of the director of the movie and let's just say she's very....... rich. She was born in New York and just transferred here in London. But she goes to this other school that's an all-girls school. Of course, that school is more expensive and fancy. It's kind of weird how out of all people, she picked me to be with. 

It's also pretty obvious how different she is from Y/N.

Wait- why am I thinking of Y/N? 

I mean, she made it pretty clear she will never forgive me after what I've done to her. God, I'm so stupid! I really didn't mean to hurt her. My parents just wanted what was best for me, But did they really? Because it seems like they only wanted what's best for them.

The truth is, whenever I see her, she reminds me of the most biggest thing that I've lost over this year. I really regret leaving her. 

But, I have to do what's best for me. And for my family.

"Louuuuuiiiiiiissssss you there?" Will waved his hands in front of my face. "Huh?" is all I can say. I felt like I blacked out for a little bit. "I said, Blair is calling you on your phone." he shoved the phone up in front of my face. It was ringing.


After school, I had to go meet with Blair. I was about to go on my skateboard when Aubrey came right in front of me, "Jesus Christ Aubrey will you ever leave me alone?" I blurted out. Aubrey has been bothering me ever since I broke up with Y/N. She keeps telling me random shit like "You're a bitch for breaking up with Y/N" or "You don't deserve her anyways." 

I was ready to hear some mean words fall out of her mouth, but instead she looked me in my eyes and said very carefully, "She misses you. She is just to scared to admit it." and then, she walked away. I automatically knew who she was talking about.

Holy shi-


"Louis!" Blair yelled. She ran down the stairs and jumped into my arms. I arrived at her house that probably cost a billion dollars. It was huge. There was a big chandelier in the entrance, there was even two butlers in each side of the stairs.

"Hey babe." I hugged her back, giving her a (fake) smile. "What are you doing still in those clothes? Remember we need to get ready for our formal family dinner." she said. I gave her a 'sorry' look. "Wait- you forgot didn't you?" she said, brushing my hair off my face. "Look I'm sorry-" 

"Is William manipulating you? I should've known he was a horrible friend." 

"What? No- no, no one is manipulating me. I just forgot okay?" I blurted out, "And what's so wrong with William?" I asked. "Louis, William reminds me of one of those boys who wears their socks inside out." she sighed. I chuckled but she looked at me with a straight face.

"Wait- you're being serious?" My smile disappeared. She rolled her eyes, "Now get ready, we have to show our parents how much we love each other!" she squealed. I took a deep breath. I can do this.

A/N- I finally brought Louis's girlfriend in the story! Also sorry this chapter is short. I will try to make longer chapters. Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate it!

Still into you~ A Louis Partridge fan fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن