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"~I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you~"



"Hey uh there's some weird looking man outside with a limo looking for you." James yelled, bursting into my room.

"A what?" I asked, turning down the music that was loudly playing on my phone.

"Can I not repeat myself again?" he groaned back.

"You said there was a limo?" I asked.

"Yeah and a man."

"A man?"

"God, can you just look for yourself." he whined, leaving my room.

I scoffed, "Rude." I mumbled, getting up from my bed and heading downstairs.

I slowly opened the door that led outside my porch, "What the-"

There was a tall, broad looking man in a black suit standing on my doorway, with sunglasses on, even if it was in the middle of the night here.

"Um, do I know you?" I asked, scared to look at his overwhelming sight.

"Are you Ms.Johnson?" the man asked in a deep voice.

"Y- yes." I mumbled, looking behind him, my eyes landed on a dark black shiny limousine.


"I have been ordered to pick you up for Ms. Jones's event that will be hosted a few minutes from now."


"A few minutes?"

"Yes ma'am, It starts at 9:00. Right now It's 8:30."

Oh shit.

"Well I haven't technically gotten-" I paused, not wanting him to know I haven't even started to get ready, "I will be right back. Just wait right there uh-" I glanced at the nametag on his suit, "-Dylan. Oh what a nice name!" I complimented.

Oh god what is wrong with me.

"Thanks?" he said back confusedly, "And It's no problem. I will wait in the vehicle."

I formed a fake smile on my face, "Thanks, okay um, see you later." I said, shutting the door.

Why did I just say that?

I shook my head, trying to process what is going on.

Once the door shut, I immediately ran upstairs, almost tripping on one stair. Which hurt very badly.

Still into you~ A Louis Partridge fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz