Lindir - Nerves

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I would first like to say idk who the art belongs too I found it on google and there was no credit so if you know who's it is please let me know
Character: Lindir x Elrond Daughter!Reader

Summary: You and Lindir have been courting in secret for several years now, and you want to get married. The only problem is you need your father, Elrond's, permission before you can.

Length: 1049 words

Other Info: All elvish translations will be neXt to the words/at the bottom for the literal translation. Italics is whoever's POV thoughts.

An: Sorry y'all that summary sucks. I can't write good summaries for the life of me. This is the first of many stories in this book. I haven't written fanfic in a few years but I am workinng on publishing a full length novel on Amazon and other places. rn it is in some stages of editing so yeah hopefully my writing isn't terrible.

Lindir P.O.V

Just do it you coward. Just talk to him. It's not like he will hate you.... except he probably will I mean you have been courting his youngest daughter behind his back...No it's going to be fine just talk to him.

"-So that's where you will be when the guests arrive, Lindir are you listening to me?" Elrond's tone sounded annoyed but the smile on his face said otherwise.


"Is that a question or a statement mellon? (Friend)" Elrond spoke as his smile grew into a smirk.

"Uhm, both I suppose."

"What is on your mind my dear friend?"

Okay Lindir now or never, just tell him. "I WISH TO MARRY Y/N!" The words came out before I could even process what I had said or just how loud I had said it.

A look of shock crossed his face, whether it was because of what I had said or simply how loud I had said it I did not know. "I beg your pardon," his voice was calm but tight, as though he was restraining himself from yelling at me, which he probably was.

Well it's too late to go back now, you might as well explain while you have a chance. Taking a deep breath I spoke trying to convey confidence but the cracks in my voice gave away just how nervous I truly was, "I wish for your permission to marry y/n. We have been courting for several years now and I love her. She is more vanimelda (Beautiful) than all the stars above and her kindness shows among all races. I know that I have no status nor do I deserve her but if you would give me your permission to take her hand in marriage I swear to you that I will to everything I can to make her happy."

"How long have you been courting my daughter?" His tone was surprisingly calm and his eyes shone with something though I can not make out what it is.

"It has been several hundred years now my lord."

"Mellon, why did you not tell me?"

"I- I was scared that you would not approve of your daughter dating a lowly minstrel such as myself. I was scared that you would not allow us to court."

"Bring y/n to me. I will speak to my daughter first about how she feels about your courtship. If you truly make her as happy as you claim, then you will have my blessing mellon. Until then you shall just have to wait.

"Of course, I shall fetch her right away."

——————— Y/N POV

Just as I'm about to change for bed a knock sounds at the door.

Now who would be here so late in the evening?

Opening the door I find Lindir standing there a smile spreads across my face and I go to greet him, "hel-"

"Your father wishes to speak with you," the tremors in his voice giving away his scared demeanor he had hidden under a facade of confidence.

"Alright," I slide my shoes on and head out the door. "Are you alright meleth nîn (my love)? You look as though you have seen a ghost."

"I spoke to your father about our relationship. I asked him for your hand."

"What did he say?"

"He did not give me a straight answer. He said he wished to speak with you first."

"It will be alright Lindir, I will not let my father separate us."

"I know meleth nîn (my love), no matter what happens though gi melin (I love you.)"

Arriving at my fathers study I leaned up to give Lindir a kiss before entering the door that now seemed quite daunting.

"Hello Ada (Father/Dad)"

"Hello iell (daughter), I presume Lindir told you why I wish to speak with you?"

"For the most part yes."

"Good then let us get right to it. Does he make you happy?"

"More than anything ada. When I am with him I feel as if we are the only two elves in the world."

A smile crossed my fathers face as though he got an idea. The smile however was so small and fast that I almost missed it. His face then turned downwards into a frown. "He has no status y/n, you are royalty you should be with someone of similar status."

"I do not care about his status ada I love him. Besides, he is not just some random Ellon (male elf) he is my one ada. And should you keep him from me for something as ridiculous as his status I will continue to see him and marry with or without your blessing."

A smile broke onto his face, "You have my blessing my child, I care not for his status either I merely wished to see how you would react to the question. To see if you truly cared for the ellon"

"Thank you ada!"

Leaving my fathers study I run down the halls towards Lindirs room.

————— Lindirs POV

A loud knock sounded and as I open the door to my chambers y/n throws her arms around me.

"He said yes meleth nîn! He's given his permission to marry!"

"Oh y/n you have made me the happiest ellon to live! Gi melin!"

"Gi melin, Lindir"

Should I make a part 2? With the wedding perhaps?

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