A film gives me love advice

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Eight months later...

Okay, I know what you're thinking. Eight months? Since anything has happened? Well, yeah, that's exactly right.

I had to explain to Nico who I was and who my parents were, he was so excited, I swear it took four of the eight months to calm him down.

I had asked my mom if I could tell Bianca and Nico the circumstances of my birth, and she said yes, as long as I promised that when I kicked Ares' ass, she would get a turn. I grinned almost evilly and nodded, before I told the Hades siblings about what had happened. I had almost let Bianca flash to Olympus, but I stopped her, telling her that we had to keep our powers a secret.

I was training them with their powers, focusing on their original ones as children of Hades. Then, using my blessing, they would both try and learn the powers I had given them.

Even though I was a Primordial, I was only fifteen right now, the same age as Bianca. Nico was two years younger, but he was still very powerful. I hoped that he wouldn't go through one of those emo phases mortals go through.

Anyway, I was hacking away at level six hundred and ninety eight, desperate to beat my father's monster-slaying record, when a beautiful but playful voice erupted inside his head.

"Hi! Uh- I mean, hello Percy." Bianca spoke in my mind awkwardly. I chuckled lightly as I noted her enthusiasm.
"Hi, Bianca." I MMd (mind-messaged) her kindly. "Did you sleep okay?" I asked worriedly. Yesterday, I had found her crying outside my room, silently whispering my name. In her dream, I had died in a horrible way right in front of her. I hadn't found her last night, though, which was a good sign.

A melodious laugh lit up the torches of my mind and my cheeks turned red.

"Yes, I did, but it's nice to know that you're thinking about me." She replied with a hint of glee in her words.
"Well- y-yeah." I responded nervously, the level completely forgotten. Ow, a cyclops just smashed its club into me.

Then, the door swung open, and the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen was walking towards me.

"Hi, Percy." She gave me a heartwarming smile.
"Hi, Bianca." I gave her an equally heartwarming smile as we heard a faint bang. "Nico's awake." I added as an afterthought. She nodded awkwardly and we both stood still, unsure of what to do or say in fears of disturbing the other. Ow- hellhound. I quickly decided to stop the level.

"Um- are you sure you slept well?" I asked, nothing else to say. I saw her cheeks flush silver for some reason.
"He's so considerate of me! He may be a Primordial, but to me, he's the sweetest thing." Bianca thought fondly.

"I slept fine, you big softie." Bianca punched my arm lightly and playfully, trying to hide the platinum blush spreading across her cheeks, which I hadn't noticed. Then, Nico came bursting into the room with his sword that he named Mythomagic.

"Why are there so many frozen monsters?" He asked.
"Well, I was fighting monsters, then Bianca came in." I explained quickly.
"And then what happened?" Nico asked with a smirk. "You two are quite close, you know." He added, pointing to the distance between us, which I just noticed was around one inch. We both blushed and edged away, Nico smirking and activating the training software for the first time.

"Oh no! One hellhound(!)" Nico said sarcastically, while Bianca and I snuck out, giggling at his antics.

Today was our last day with my father and mother, before Bianca and Nico had to go to some stupid boarding school called Westover Hall. Emphasis on "board". So I'd be alone. Apparently, there was a monster we needed to attack, but Chaos had told us that we had to act like normal demigods, which was usually very boring, but quite entertaining, especially when Chris tried to challenge any of us. Although, when he lost, he'd boast to anyone around that he'd won easily, and they actually believed him.

Perry Johnson, the Primordial of Light, Time and Creation.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant