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This is why I haven't updated any of my other stories, I wanted the introduction to this one to be perfect. Sorry about the long wait, I'll have another chapter through soon.

Also, there has to be a backstory, so this is all you're getting for now. But I do have another chapter close to being finished.

Also also, most of this chapter was 'borrowed' by another writer. I won't tag them, so no trouble is caused, but their username is Anaklusmos14 (roughly) and their story is better than mine, so if you haven't read it, read that one first.

The plot is almost completely different, though.

This is not the story of a hero.
This is not the story of a God.
This is the story of the Saviour of the Universe.

Instead of Percy Jackson being born to Poseidon and Sally Jackson, he will be born to Lupa and Ares, two months after Chris Jackson would be born.

Lupa had attended a Roman god gathering, and Mars had cornered her. She could not call for help as she was gagged, and Mars was just too powerful for her, fuelled by his hunger. But Mars decided to harden the blow by shifting into his Greek form, Ares.

Meaning that this child, this God would be half Roman, half Greek.

The child would be banished or killed on Jupiter's orders, and Lupa would be ridiculed and possibly punished.

There was no one to ask for help, as she was known as a maiden goddess. She couldn't go to a mortal hospital as they would ask questions of the golden liquid pulsing underneath the baby's skin.

So she had no choice but to run.

She ran from Olympus, bearing the child she didn't even know which gender it would be

She ran through the forest, she couldn't transform on risk of hurting the baby. She wanted the baby to survive- Lupa knew her baby would be a hero- she just wanted him or her to be the one that survived.

Then the name came to her.


Then, a tree root also came to her.


As she fell, she landed in a bridge position so the baby would not be harmed. She then got back up and looked around desperately for help, only to find none.

Lupa sent a silent prayer to anyone listening, she didn't care who came as long as they would help her.

Just as she was sure that no one would turn up, a flash of purple light from behind her alarmed her, causing her to turn around to meet the most powerful man she had ever met.

His aura showed great power, but he was clearly doing his best to conceal it. He helped Lupa up and opened a portal. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"You prayed for help, and I came. Trust me when I say that I want the best for you and your baby boy." The man assured her. Lupa gasped in shock.

"A boy?" She repeated. The man smiled and nodded. "I'm going to have a baby boy?" She asked again. The man's smile only grew as he nodded again. Lupa squealed- yes, the Mother of Rome squealed- and hugged the man in front of her.

"Who are you?" She then asked him. He chuckled.
"I am Chaos, Creator of the Universe." He answered. She gasped and made to bow. He stopped her. "No need for that." He elaborated. "Now, let's give birth to a God, shall we?" Chaos gestured for Lupa to enter the portal. She did, hugging her midsection as she saw a medical bed.

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