Chapter 14: That's cool I guess

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A/N: Sorry about not posting a chapter last week. Writers block sucks! To make up for it I'm going to try and post a second chapter this week! Also tell me when to release the first chapter of my NEW story that I'm writing. I'll still update this one don't worry.

Hermione POV

I saw Harry's eyes go wide as he saw the ghost of Remus Lupin. I could see the tears in his eyes as he stared  open-mouthed at the once living teacher.

"Hello Harry"


With a smile Harry tried to walk past Remus and into the classroom... The key word being tried. Harry didn't pass through the ghost. Remus fell backwards through the floor

Everyone stared in shock as Harry stood up after falling and Remus floated up out of the floor. Both looked very confused.

"Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy well I guess you should start class"

Remus nodded still looking confused and began the lesson. I watched as Harry fidgeted with his wand throughout the whole class, looking nervous.

It was a rather interesting lesson from what I could tell but I was too confused about Harry being able to touch a ghost to pay much attention.

Before I realized that much time had passed, the lesson was over. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't think of anything... Until I did.

I grabbed Harry's arm and made him look me in the eyes as I questioned him.

"Harry... Did you keep the Deathly Hallows?"

He shook his head and continued to walk towards our next class.


Harry POV

I have been ignoring Hermione all day. I know she is trying to figure out why I could touch Remus. As much as I pretend to have no idea, I can't help but remember how I got some new powers...


It was another boring day when it happened. Only a few weeks after I disappeared. I stared at the items on my table. A small black stone... A see-through cloak... And the most powerful wand in existence.

Slowly I reached out and touched them. Debating what to do. Should I get rid of them? Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in in hand. I began to feel dizzy. As fast as it started it was over.

The Deathly Hallows were gone. On my hand was a small tattoo of the hallows symbol. Suddenly I could do magic with a single flick of my wrist... I could turn invisible at will... I absorbed them.


Now I know that I can touch ghosts... That's cool I guess.

Harry potter and the missing heroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora