Chapter 8: Lightning

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Harry POV

"Honestly, I would've thought you would get this one. The answer is a basilisk."

"OH! That makes sense"

Just as the words left my mouth I felt a sharp pain in my forehead... in my scar. That hadn't happened once since the night I defeated no-nose  forever.

I froze, my senses heightened beyond those of a werewolf. All I heard was the clock ticking, ever so slowly until...


At least 30 spells came flying at my house, faster than I could run. I glanced over at 'mione and jumped in front of her right as everything around us exploded.


There was rubble everywhere, fire all around 'Mione and I. I stood up slowly, shakily as I let go of the magic protecting us. I flicked my eyes over to a particularly large piece of rubble and handed 'Mione her wand that was lying a few feet away.

As Hermione hid out of sight, wand at the ready I began to walk forward. My body was already past it's max. I had charged myself with as much magical energy as I could to save her from the explosions. My magic absorbed most of the damage, protecting Hermione better than any shield could.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds as 50 Death Eaters came into view.

"Fulgur Ignis"

Fire red lightning shot from my wand, turning everything it touched to ash. All that stood before me were the remains of a small army.

I laughed to myself at how easy that was... before I felt a knife pressed against the my neck, familiar green eyes staring into mine.

"Hello Brother"

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