Chapter 3: Shadow

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Hermione POV

When I heard the familiar cracking sound I knew someone had apparated onto my front lawn. When I got to the window I saw a cloaked person walking slowly toward  my front door. Our eyes connected for half a second and I saw a shine of icy gray before the person quickly looked away.

Is that Harry? No it can't be. I thought as I slowly opened the door to face the person. As they walked up to me they began to speak in a deep almost evil sounding voice. "Hello, I am here to take you away from here Ms.Granger. You don't have a choice in this matter. You may call me Shadow." As Shadow finished talking he grabbed my wrist and apparated. My heart was racing as we appeared in a seemingly normal house but I was looking for some sign that this person was about to hurt me.

Instead of doing anything to me Shadow simply walked over to the couch and sat down. I couldn't figure out what to do so I just stood there. Seeing my obvious hesitation he tossed his wand on the ground by my feet. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to bring you here. I know that you weren't really happy there." After a few seconds I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Shadow. I couldn't trust him... I didn't know who he was. Noticing that I was still nervous he let me hold my wand against his neck, so that I could kill him at any moment.

*Later that night*

I woke up suddenly as Shadow shifted in his sleep. Even after 7 months I was still very jumpy from the constant tension during the war. I hastily moved backwards on the couch as I realized that I had fallen asleep with my head on Shadow's shoulder.

This might be the perfect time to find out who he is... I thought as I stood up and walked in front of Shadow's sleeping form. I slowly, carefully began to lift back Shadow's hood. Right as I was about to lift the hood up enough to see his eyes again his hand caught my wrist and he said "I'm not sure you want to see who I am. I don't know what your reaction will be. I don't think you want to know who I am. Just know that you can't go back after this." He then let go of my wrist and let me decide.

After a few moments of thinking I pulled the hood back down over his head. "I'm not ready to find out yet. Just tell me, do I know you?" With a slightly sorrow tone he replied "yes you know me; well you used to know me... people change." With that he turned over on his side and fell asleep. I didn't sleep the rest of the night, thoughts of who he could be and why he kidnapped me floating around in my head.

*The next day*

Before Shadow woke up I began to cook breakfast. I couldn't let him poison me or something. I made scrambled eggs and bacon, a plate for both of us. I left Shadow's food on the table next to the couch and sat in an armchair. As I ate I stared at shadow. His hood was pulled tightly over his face so that it was cast in darkness. Suddenly a loud bang rang out and the door caved in...

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