Chapter 1: Lost

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Hermione POV

It has been 7 long tiring months since I last saw Harry. There is so much I need to tell him...I might never get that chance I thought as I plopped myself  down on  the sofa in my parent's old house.

I had been staying here for the last 5 months, after the war. As hard as I tried I could never find my parents...or Harry. Everyone else has given up on him. Even the ministry. According to the ministry he is dead...but I don't, no, I can't believe that. I can't believe that the person I have loved for years is dead. Ever since he saved me from that troll, every time he saved me I fell in love with him again. Every time I saw him butterflies flew around in my stomach.

I have always known that I love Harry but I knew that he would never like me back. I saw the way he looked at Ginny. It hurt me a lot but I buried my feelings for him. We couldn't be together. I convinced myself that I was in love with Ron. I kissed him in the chamber of secrets and we started dating when the battle was over. When he asked me out I couldn't say no. He was broken. Fred's death hurt him more than anyone else. Well, everyone except George. Both of them were so numb that they couldn't take care of themselves; I couldn't hurt him more. If I did he might not recover. After two months of us dating we had a fight. We broke up because of me. I hurt Ron too much...

*Flashback* (2 Months after the war) .

I sighed as Ron and I kissed again for the millionth time today. This just doesn't feel right...I should be with Harry...If only that was possible,  I thought to myself, or I thought that I had said in my head. Right after I finished thinking I noticed the pained look on Ron's face.

I was confused for a few seconds before realization set in...I had said it out loud. The pain on Ron's face rapidly turned to anger as he raised his hand to hit me. His eyes were filled with rage. It was worse than when he saw Fred's dead body. Back then he wanted to kill an already dead Deatheater but now...His target was right in front of him. My eyes widened and I apparated  to the first place I thought of, my parent's house, right before Ron's hand connected with me.

*Present time*

A tear left my eye as I went over the memory in my head. Even though I never truly loved Ron it still hurt when he tried to hit me. I knew that we would never be friends again. That I broke his heart. I hurt Ron. Everyone hates me. I'm not allowed at the Burrow anymore. My search for Harry has become more and more frantic as the days go by. He is the only one who doesn't hate least I hope he doesn't.

I have gone over every possible explanation for  Harry's disappearance and I can't help but think that he might not want to be found. That he was hurt by the death in the war so badly that it broke him. That he might not be himself anymore.

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