Let's talk about some things/Up for adoption!

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Hi guys!
First of all, thank you for all your support. I honestly just made this for me because there weren't any of these with an actual story, and I know if I met an alternative version of myself some shit would go down, so I wanted to be able to read one that wasn't a crack. I didn't expect to get so much love and support, and I am extremely grateful.

Second of all, I will not be continuing this story.

I am putting it up for adoption though! I don't want to leave you in the dust, but if you have ever tried to write a story, you will realize that its very hard to stay interested and keep chugging on. But like I said, I don't wanna leave you guys in the dust. If you would like to adopt this story please message me!

I won't just accept anyone, so you will have to send a sample chapter, and I will chose the one I think is best.

Once again, thank you for all the support. I am going through a pretty hard time in my life, with schools in New York (Where I live) closing again, and an upcoming move, the random notifications with a comment about anything, really, makes me feel appreciated.

So to wrap this up,


Message me with a sample chapter to adopt.

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