part 2

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                    Is there anyone
                Who can save me?!

I immediately woke up sweating and panting from that nightmare. I panicked a little when I saw I was in a unfamiliar room.

Suddenly a small voice startled me "unkie tae! Unkie Tae! You are awake now. I am telling daddy. " He sprinted off.

I sigh "I forgot my dream was a reality

"Yep it seems like it... Had a bad dream? " Minho said standing next to the door.

"What bad dream if it's reality? " He slowly comes closer to me and sits next to me.

"Don't worry Tae I will try my best to protect you. I promised your sister and I will and Yoonjin too. But now u slept almost a entire day. You should eat something. So get ready. We are going out to eat something okay? "

"Thanks but I am not really hun-"

"I am not taking a 'No' again as a answer. We are going out so get ready. I will be back."

"Where are you going? I asked.

" I am just going to drop off Yoonjin with his babysitter. Since we are going somewhere after we eat. "

"Where? "

"You will see that later okay! Oh I almost forgot ! Catch.. " He throws something at me but I catches it. It was a phone.. (A/N: taehyung left his phone before leaving)

"What is this for..? "

"You ask too many questions . It's a phone it has my number in it in case of emergencies or if you need anything. "

I looked at it then stared at Minho. I gives him a smile.

"Thanks hyung. " I see Minho was surprised that I called him "Hyung"

"U-uh well no problem Tae..  I should better hurry since u must be starving

e closed the door and left. I laid on bed again.

"Ah... Nuna why him out of all guys? " I smiled as I feel like my sister pinched my cheek.

"I wonder why you kept this huge secret to yourself.. " I felt a tear dripping down to my cheek but I slowly wiped it away and got off from bed.

"He got clothes for me... Nice. " I took shower than quickly put on the nice clothes Minho bought for me. As I was fixing my hair my phone vibrated.

Hey I am here.

I am waiting outside, in the car.     

Okay I'll be right there.


I quickly fixed my hair and hurried to
Down stairs locking the door, heading towards the car Minho was waiting for me in.

𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑺𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 ? ☾︎𝗧𝗞 𝗠𝗮𝗳𝗶𝗮 𝗔𝘂☽︎Where stories live. Discover now