Damon Forgets That His Enemies Always Have A Backup Plan

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"As soon as I break the curse, we are going to have our own fun," he said playfully, and the woman smirked at his suggestive tone before Katherine's voice interrupted.

"Who are you?" she asked, and the woman turned as she grinned, Klaus's arm still around her waist as she leaned into him, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.

"I did promise you that you would get to meet the other murderer of your family, didn't I, Katherina?" Klaus said, his voice like death wrapped in honey.

Katherine's eyes widened as they fell on the woman who smiled, her white teeth blinding against the darkened colour of her lips. "You-," Katherine muttered.

"Took great pleasure in killing every single member of your entire village. In watching their blood spill and their heads roll," the woman finished, a look of devilish excitement on her face as she relived the moment as she spoke.

"But why? I've never met you. What have I done to you?!" Katherine asked.

"Simple," she said as she moved out of Klaus's grip and towards Katherine again, the girl backing up against the brick wall. "Aside from the fact that I have a bone to pick with the original owner of your face, you flirted and were courted by my husband in 1492, before you betrayed him, naturally."

Katherine was confused. "Fourteen-ninety tw..." Katherine trailed off before it clicked. And her expression was pure disbelief and fear as she looked between the woman and Klaus again.

"Katerina, may I formally introduce to you, the Original Wife, my wife, Isa Mikaelson," Klaus said as his hand snaked around Isa's waist.

Isa took great pleasure in the shock written all over Katherine's face.
Because the worst wasn't coming.
The worst had just arrived.


"Where's Maddox?! He should be back by now," Klaus asked Katherine as he stormed through the door of the apartment.

"I don't know," Katherine responded as she sat in her chair, still trying to process everything. "I've heard rumours about your wife, but no one's ever seen her. Everyone thinks the Ice Demon is nothing more than a myth, a legend," Katherine said as Klaus sat and docked his phone before opening up a laptop. "What are you doing?" Katherine continued.

Klaus remained silent.

"Where's your wife?"

Again, Katherine was met with silence.

"Where is Elena?" Katherine tried.

"I sent her off with Greta," Klaus replied uncaringly as he stared at the screen. Katherine was curious as to why he chose to answer that one question out of all she asked. "It's almost time," he announced as he smiled at the screen only for the door to come flying open. Klaus just sighed as he sat back in his chair. "I wasn't aware that you'd been invited in," he said.

Damon stood in the centre of the room, surprising Katherine as she jumped to her feet. The man must seriously have a death wish coming here. "I've come here to tell you to postpone the ritual," he announced.

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" Klaus asked in faux confusion as he reclined in his chair.

"Yeah, but that was before I rescued your werewolf and vampire and killed your witch."
Klaus stood abruptly, anger written on his face and Katherine flinched back. "Excuse me?" he asked.

Damon was unfazed. "And you can kill me for it, I don't care. It was all me."

Silence engulfed the room for a breath before Klaus spoke again. "Katerina give us a moment," he ordered, and the girl left for the bedroom, Damon glancing at her over his shoulder as she went. Klaus merely took a step closer to Damon. "I've heard about you. The crazy, impulsive vampire. In love with his brother's girl."

Damon gave a slight tilt of his head at Klaus's last statement, like 'why deny it?'.

Klaus turned away as he said with a knowing smile, "I knew one of you would try to stop me. It was just a fifty-fifty guess on who. And now it seems I've lost the bet." He leaned down as he pressed the unmute button on the laptop, and the werewolf's screams filtered out of the speakers as every bone in her body broke. Klaus' smile was one of true pleasure. "The nice thing about werewolves, is they tend to travel in packs." He closed the laptop as he picked up his phone. "Need a closer look?" he asked as he tossed Damon the phone.

Damon gave a pained smile as he saw who screamed as if acknowledging the brilliance of Klaus's plan. "Jules," he said stoically.

Klaus approached him. "When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse, you learn a thing or two," he said as he circled Damon. "First rule: always have a backup. Backup werewolf. Backup witch."

"Backup vampire," Damon finished.

The smirk from Klaus's face fell as he said, "I've got that covered too."

Damon was sent into darkness.

Mrs MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora