Chapter Thirty-Four: Drug

Start from the beginning

"Is that why you all suddenly decided to give me a coffee?" You asked them, a teasing smile held in your lips as you chuckled at their antics. Your laugh was immediately heard by them, unable to stop the smile that pulled their lips, the sweetness in your voice just debunking the idea that you were in a bad mood.

"I'm not in a bad mood, everyone. I'm actually in a really good mood," You told them as you sent them a soft smile, your eyes shining with happiness, affecting them in a good way. They felt so light at the sight of your smile, the warmness in your smile, and the pure happiness oozing off of you warmed them up immediately.

You reminisce the dinner yesterday, the sheer happiness you had just watching them bicker with each other, suggesting nicknames you could call them made you feel content at where you are right now.

You blinked, realizing something before looking at them with your brows furrowed, pointing at yourself. They looked at you with a questioning look, ready to answer whatever you ask them.

"Did I really look like I was in a bad mood?" You asked them. Jay stepped forward, pushing the Beta to the side, making the latter glare at him with annoyance and the former ignoring him.

"You were glaring at the pavement earlier so we thought that maybe you and the Alpha's got into a disagreement," He answered truthfully, receiving a loud smack from the back, Changkyun glaring at him more harshly before looking at you with a nervous smile.

"I was glaring?" You said as your eyes widen. A maid from the butler from the back raised their hand, placing his raised hand chest as he spoke to you.

"You looked very intimidating, Luna," He answered, giving you a worried look before stiffening at the horrifying glare Changkyun sent to all of them. They looked back to see you heartbroken. Changkyun panicked as he tried to tell you compliments, trying to steer you away from the words of the two.

"L-Luna, it was just a misunderstanding on our part. We should have noticed your blooming state where you look ecstatic-" Changkyun stuttered to get out, the Gamma and the maids and butlers nodding with him, some voicing their agreements but you waved a hand, sending them a hurt smile before standing up.

"No, it's alright! I understand, I would just be going back to my room now," You said, accompanied by a chuckle before standing up. You waved at them before walking away. Changkyun looked at you with a worried look, feeling a heavy feeling through the thin bond between you two as the others called out to you, yelling compliments as a way to recover from their mistake. 

They all stiffen when they felt a dark aura emitting from Changkyun, making them look up to him as he looked back, a murderous glare sent at them. 

"Get back to work," He sternly said at them, making them scream a 'yes sir!' that even Jay said before they all rushed off his sight, sighing as he looked worriedly at you.


You felt gloomy as you staggered down the hallway, shoulders slumped down, chin down. You were pretty sure you were smilling, even grinning so you tried your best to hid it so you wouldn't seem crazy, but I guess that you looked like you were grinning if you tried too hard with hiddibg your expressions. You continued to mindlessly walk down the hall, not even realizing that it wasn't the way to your room anymore when your name was called out.

"Y/n!" You looked back to see Hoseok waving excitedly at you, a hearty smile brimming his lips. You blinked before waving back at him, walking towards him as he rushed to you. He patted your head repeatedly as you rolled your eyes at his actions but didn't care to brush his handoff.

"Hi, Seokie," You greeted him with the nickname you gave him, his smile getting bigger and feeling giddy. 

"Have anything to do?" He asked you as he accompanied you, walking to where ever you go. You shook your head, side-glancing at him. He looked at you with a small smile, tilting his head.

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