The Dark Portal

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Lijah hurried to Lothar's side. "Come one we need to get you a healer. I am going to get a gryphon to take us back to Lordaeron.

"No take us to the dark portal instead." Lothar replied. "I am going to finish this once. Khadgar will meet us at the portal. His magic will heal faster."

Doomhammer stood proudly infront of the dark portal. This is the answer to our problems. He thought. Once the world are unlocked, none of the damages done the human did will mean a damn thing. Suddenly, aloud crashing sound from the distance brought Doomhammer back to reality. "You have Gul'dan's skull?" He asked Nel'bul, who was already there at the portal waiting for him.

"Yes sir, all in one piece." He extends his hands to accept the bundle from Ner'bul, only to feel the impact made by the bundle when it fell out of Ner'bul's hand and toppled to the ground. Shocked, Doomhammer turned his focus to Ner'bul impaled by a spear that cause him to tumble to the ground, revealing a furious looking Garona.

"Okay, hold still this mainly sting a little." Khadgar told Lothar as he give him something to bite with. Lijah tried not to flinch when he heard Lothar groan in pain, this process would be much less painful if it were done in Lordaeron infirmary, but Lothar insisted that he needed to heal faster. Lijah was so focused on Lothar that she didn't realize the attackers coming from behind until she heard two orcs growling and lashing out at Lothar. Lijah's spell would have made the orcs collide into each other if she saw them earlier. Instead, they staggered back pace.

Lijah got infront of the injured commander and the young mage, shielding the two figures from the two orcs, who each wielded massive axes, they both had carved bones decorated around their faces and armors,as if those too are weapons.

"How dare you block the way of Rend and Maim Blackhand, sons of Blackhand." One of them shouted. "Our father, Blackhand was a much better warchief than that pathetic half breed Garona until he was slain by that even more pathetic human behind you. Once we kill you, we will avenge our father and rebuild the horde ten times larger than before."

"Whatever, you win!" Lijah replied in orcish. She and the brothers all turned their attention to the portal as they saw Garona putting the unconscious Doomhammer in chains. She smirked. "How is that for a half breed? It seem that your leader is captured, and your clan is in disarray, what remains of your horde will soon be outnumbered by us. Fight me if you fancy to to be in chains like Doomhammer or never return."

Furious by her taunt, the brothers went leaping upon Lijah. But this time Lijah did not blink, she darted backwards and casted a spell that is strong enough to knock the axes out of their hands. She then unsheathed the weapon and brought Lothar's legendary sword back up, cutting the orcs on the chin. She was so tired upon casting the spell that she did not react quick enough when more orcs charge from behind. She darted to the side but the orc was much quicker and already landed on top of her, ready to delivery that killing blow. Lijah closed her eyes, ready to whatever it is to come, but it never came, instead she saw a blade piercing deep into the orc's armor.

"Commander!" Lijah exclaimed. "Glad to see you healed in time."
"Thanks kid. Got to admit, if you didn't hold them long enough, I'd be gone by now." He extended a hand to Lijah, helping her to get back up to her feet.

Upon the cliff, Lothar spotted Khadgar alone with the other magi, watching the fight. "Do it now!" The champion shouted, pointing his destroyed blade at the portal. "Destroy it!"

"Get back!" Khadgar shouted in reply, his words ringing across the valley, acting as a warning for Garona and the other warriors near the dark portal.

Lothar saw the magi, from the Kirin Tor draining the energy from the portal, energy crackled across the young mage's face and fingers. Then, slamming his fists together, the ball object transformed into a long object, something that looks like a spear.

The spear pierced the portal right in the center. The explosion send most Alliance soldiers and horde warriors off their feet. Fortunately, the explosion of the columns propelled most of the fragments into the portal.

Then the portal vanished, the swirling energy was replaced by empty space, a view that is extracted from nature itself.
After regaining his strength, Khadgar picked himself off the ground and glanced around, Lothar was the first one to get up and offered a hand to a Garona and Lijah.

"Thanks dad!" Khadgar try not to burst out laughing when he saw Lothar's shocked expression.
"That's impossible," Lothar turned to a Garona, "But she was with me the whole time, you couldn't have told her."
"No she didn't, I figured out." Lijah replied with a smirk.

"Well, at least is over." Khadgar called out to them. It was true. The Alliance had won. The portal was destroyed. And even if Dooomhammer's orc do return once day, the Alliance will be ready.

Wohoo! So that's the end. Thank your guys so much!) You guys are awesome! I am thinking of doing more sequels and some The Hobbit and LOTR fanfictions as I am a die hard fantasy fan. You guys can follow me on wattpad and my instagram @marvelworld26 for more updates of my picking stories in the future. So see you all soon!

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