Mak'gora Part 2

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It is no doubt that any skilled human soldier could be easily overpowered by Doomhammer's youth and strength. However, Lothar is made up of experience and skill, which Doomhammer lacks.

The horde certainly seemed to underestimate Lothar's ability, they thought the human leader has been beaten when Doomhammer attempted to add a blow to his opponent's chin. But Lothar did not hesitate, he brought his sword down to block it in time. In doing this, Lothar twisted his blade which managed to knock the orc's Warhammer aside. Gaining control, he stepped close and caught the orc hard across the chest and made a deep cut on Doomhammer's heavy breastplate.

But Doomhammer retaliated by striking with his free hands. Although the blow landed on Lothar's shield rather than his head, the shield twisted at the impact. Lothar tossed his damaged shield aside and Doomhammer ripped his ruined armor.

The two closed again, without armor and shield. Lothar now holds swords in both hands and could easily impale Doomhammer. But Doomhammer was faster without his armor, he slammed Lothar in the chest and before the commander could recover, he brought his hammer down with full strength, meeting Lothar's blade as he attempted to block-

-and shattered the blade.

Lijah gasped as Doomhammer grinned under his tusks, finishing Lothar with a strike on the warrior's head.

However, the strike landed on Lothar's left shoulder, missing his head just by a few centremeteries.

Although he knows his ruined blade meant his death for certain, Lothar had stabbed Doomhammer in the chest with his half blade, thus weakens Doomhammer.

Garona knew what Lothar was thinking. The commander knows he won't be alive much longer, but not without killing Doomhammer.

Doomhammer snarled as he brought his hammer down, but was again met with Lothar's strong grip. The Alliance stared as their commander lay on the ground, struggling to hold the orc's hammer. Not once had expected for the champion to survive. They all knew that sooner or later Lothar would run out of strength and collapse under Doomhammer's weapon.

"Orgrim, Ner'zhul is waiting in front of the portal with Gul'dan's skull ready." Drek'Thar interrupted. Unfortunately,this did not release Doomhammer's grip on Lothar. "You must be there to unlock the other worlds of Draenor."

Doomhammer made another attempt to end Lothar only to fail once again. "Zul'hed, finish him for me while I am at the portal." Zul'hed trotted to Doomhammer's side and taking his place. The horde immediately went aghast, no one would thought that Orgrim Doomhammer, the first orcs to challenge Gul'dan on cheating during mak'gora, had just committed the act himself.

"Zul'hed! Don't do this." Garona's tone was pleading.

Although Lothar still ad some strength left, his grip on Zul'hed weapons every few seconds, closing the distance between the axe and his throat. This made Zul'he'd grin in his hideous tusks. "Killing this one? With pleasure."

But his grin faded as he was struck by a dagger that no doubt belong to the warchief of the horde. Garona, still holding her remaining dagger, stood tall as Zul'hed collapsed. 'Why should we follow this? Gul'dan is now dead, which only leaves us with one foe, Doomhammer. Anyone who desires honor till their last follow me!"

And with that, the horde followed their warchief and charged in the direction of the dark portal.

I am back! I am so sorry for not updating for that long, I been so busy with work. But get excited, next chapter will be the finale:D

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