Mak'gora Part 1

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Lothar had expected a chaotic civil war between the horde, but he didn't expect trolls and hundreds of corpses to take part.

Lijah attempted to join the battle before she was pulled by Lothar.

"You understand Orcish?" Lijah frowned, obviously confused as to why the question was even brought up in the first place. However, she immediately tensed when she looked at where Lothar was pointing. 

Garona was engaging in a fight with Doomhammer that looked like Mak'gora without an audience, and Doomhammer was only shielding himself from Garona's blows rather than attacking, clearly wanted to pretend that he didn't want to hurt Garona to gain her trust.

"Translate." Said Lothar.


"I have always admired your strength Garona," Said Doomhammer while blocking Garona's sword. "Gul'dan only put you in chains because he feared you. You are a frostwolf!" 

If Garona was stunned, she certainly didn't act like it. Instead, she struck him so hard that forced him to take back a step, almost losing his balance. 

"I knew your mother. She was just like the rest of us. You might think that you don't have any family left beside the pathetic humans who are so betrayed by you that they will look at you with nothing by hatred." The frostwolf sneered.

"But we are your kins Garona. Join me and you will never be surrounded by people that hate you." He extended his hand towards Garona.

"No." Said Lothar after listening to Lijah's translation. For once, Garona seemed to be considering it, but as she raised her hand to accept Doomhammer's offer, she unsheathed her dagger and slashed at the orc's strong chest. Doomhammer however, quickly dodged, so instead it hit a nearby orc. 

Garona's attack on Doomhammer has certainly attracted a lot of attention, as she was soon dragged away from Doomhammer and found herself battling a group of orcs. Although she was determined to fight her way to fight Doomhammer again, she was not the frostwolf's target. Instead, he grinned as his eyes locked on the human perched on the horse nearby. The warrior, with his shield and large sword and intelligent blue eyes was certainly the leader. And more importantly, judging from the man's strength Doomhammer was certain that he was the one Garona cares. 

Excellent!  Doomhammer thought. "Get out of my way!" He bellowed, not caring if he smashes into humans or his orcs. The human on the hand was careful, he was deliberately not striking any of his people. At last, the two leaders faced each other at close range. 

Seeing the human's advantage on his horse, Doomhammer crashed his Warhammer into the horse's head. It immediately collapsed. The human, however, did not fall, he leaped to the side and landed in a swift motion, confronting Doomhammer directly. 

"Mak'gora!" Doomhammer shouted. The sound of clashing between the Alliance and horde faded, the orcs moved to one side. Some Stormwind soldiers were about to intervene until Lothar held up his hand, signaling them to stand down. He could see in the orc's eyes that the thing wanted him dead. And he wanted to end the creature just as much. This was the orc who betrayed its people, without him perhaps Callan and Llane would still be alive. 

The Alliance moved to the side as their leader and the orc collied without words. 

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