17 Years Later

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Garona knew that she was obviously more than just bleeding from wounds, every part of her body feels like drowning. Yet despite all the pain she is carrying at this moment, her eyes never left Lothar. 

She watches him wearily carrying Llane's lifeless body onto the griffin. Then as he takes off, Lothar took one last look at her, their eyes meet.

Lothar could not read her emotions but Garona could. His eyes were filled with emotions, some anger but mostly betrayal. 

He had every right to be. Garona thought. Then as his eyes discharges from hers, Garona's eyes still locks on him. As she watches him disappear in the sky, she begins to glance at her stomach.
Some day when I find peace. She thought. You will know your father. Until then, you will only know me, Garona as your mother. I will train you to be the warrior your father would want you to be.
She paused and begins to think of a name.
And I will name you with the name of your father. Lijah.

17 years has passed.
"Lijah! Come on. Get up. You can't be late to school again."The teenage growled, but got up anyway. She knew from the past experience that getting ready for school in the morning is one of the things that is useless to complain.
"Bye mum, see you tonight." She hurries to kiss her mother before sprinting towards the direction of the Kirin Tor, knowing that Garona will soon head to work in the orc camp and will return home at night.
Lijah rode her horse back to her house. It was still dawn and the sky was not yet dark. Knowing that her mother wouldn't be home yet. Lijah rode her horse slowly. 

Suddenly, Lijah could hear movement coming from the bushes. Almost immediately, her muscle begins to tense up as she generates an energy ball with her hands, ready to cast a spell at her attacker.
"Rayysala!"With a blink of an eye, Lijah blasts the person to the ground.
She was about to question the person before she realizes that there were more coming, and unlike the first person, these attackers were green orcs.
Lijah almost panicked for a second. Thankfully she manages to regain her consciousness by the time the first orc leaps towards her, but was quickly ended up on the ground by another one of her spells.
Lijah barely noticed that the human added one blast at the second orc using something she haven't seen before.
"Trap all of them in one ball!" The human shouted. Good thinking. Lijah wondered why she didn't think about doing that before. With one blast, she traps all of the orcs in an energy ball and push it as far as possible.
The orcs let out a groan in the same time and disappeared in her sight.

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