Ghosts of the Past

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"There! I see her." Khadgar directed Lothar to land the gryphon on the nearest position to where Garona was. She was leaning against a tree, wet from swimming in the frozen river and was clearly injuried.

"Can you hear me?" Lothar asked her. Garona's brain is still running slowly from and she can barely put any word, but she gives gives him a small nod to let him know that she understands.

"You need to stay still. Focus and tell me where Lijah is."
"Down Riverhill, she'd almost reached the end." Lothar simply nodded in response.
"Go." He told Khadgar, paying no attention to the young man as he takes off and begins to tend Garona's wound. He was glad that Garona had drifted back to deep sleep when he was straightening her fingers, otherwise the pain would be unbearable.

After a while, Garona had regain her consciousness. "How long was I out?"
"You passed out for about 40 minutes." Lothar said in his usual tone. Garona however, frowned in response," Shouldn't they be back now? It usually takes about 20 minutes to get here." Worry filled inside her. "Unless-"

"Lijah! Khadgar?" Both Garona and Lothar had been running through the forest while shouting for Lijah and Khadgar, hoping to get a response.

"Wait, did you hear that?" They both paused, hoping to hear it properly.
"This way!" The direction in which the sound was coming from was clear now, they followed the direction as the sound gets louder.

"Over here!" Lijah shouted excitedly from the string cage. But before Garona could do anything to release them, a sound caused her to turn around. A figure swing down from the high branches, dropping silently to the ground, another appeared an instant later, then another as she and Lothar was surrounded by six silent shadowy figures.

"Trolls..." Lothar breathed, as if he had seen a ghost. Garona immediately noticed that these creatures were green, as green as herself and the rest of the leaves on the tree, this explains why the horde had not noticed the creatures before.

The troll thrusted its spear at Garona, a swift motion that would have gutted her easily as it might have speared a fish, if she stood still for the blow. Instead she dived away, swinging her sword at her opponent and opened her mouth for a warcry. The shout seemed to startle the creature, which paused the act of withdrawing its weapon for a second attack, allowing her to impale the troll as if it were a hunch of meat.

Lothar on the other hand, noticed that there was a second group of trolls coming towards them. The tallest of the group, who was well groomed and presumably the leader, grinned around those hideous tusks, only to stumble as Lothar's shield crashed its skull. The thing jerked its head back, and Lothar did not give time to recover as he plunged his sword into the creatures' chest. The thing fell dead.

While Lothar was stilling fighting the last troll that did not bother to retreat like the rest. Garona hurried to cut the edge open and released Lijah and Khadgar.
"We have to get out of here." Lothar said. "The trolls are not far away."

"I don't know where exactly the horde is headed next, but I do know one thing." She paused, glaring at Lothar who rolled his eyes at her comment, obviously not believing her. "Gul'dan is going to a place called Segeras Island, where he believe can give him immortality."
"But in reality, it would consume him." Khadgar breathed out.
"Exactly." Garona continued. "With Gul'dan gone, the rest of the horde will divide and the alliance will stand advantage. I just need to know where it is best to lay siege."
"What are you suggesting?" Lothar questioned.
"I will go back to the horde to gather more information. Then I'll return once I know the place to lay siege."

"Done." Khadgar spoke before Lothar could. "Commander?"
Lothar scoffed. Although he refused to trust the half orc, he would be a fool if he forces her to stay without knowing the status of the horde. "Very well. But I swear if you betray us again," he shot Garona a warning look. "I will not hesitate to end you. Go now."

Garona couldn't help but feeling exasperated at Lothar as she made her way back to the horde. She understand why he still acts hostile towards her but still she did what she had to do to protect the humans. She had told him that but yet Lothar refused to listen.

"Garona? Is it you?" A voice called out behind her.

"Drek'Thar." Perhaps Lothar wasn't the only one who has seen a ghost.

Whew. I am back. Sorry for the delay, next chapter will get even more intense.

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