Promised Neverland Pt 2

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still more spoilers lul

royalty pt 3?? have this totally self indulgent tpn au again instead that noone asked for ^^


Wilbur POV

"I- We have to save him," I said after having calmed down enough to form intelligible words, body still shaking, although significantly less so. "We can do it, Tommy doesn't have to die." Techno wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, face still wet from his crying fit from before.

"No Wilb," Techno muttered, watching my fist as it clenched tightly onto my shirt. "We can't escape in two days, it's impossible." I grit my teeth, refusing to cry anymore. We didn't have any more time to waste if I was to save Tommy, but plenty of it afterwards if we failed.

"Then why the fuck did you tell me this now Techno," I snarled through my teeth, Techno's eye's widening as I bore my stare into him. "You could have waited until after if you didn't want me to save him. It's just cruel to tell me he's going to die yet try and get me not to do anything about it. You're cruel, Tech."

"I-I'm sorry," Techno muttered, shifting his gaze awkwardly away from my eyes, biting his lip. "I just, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had t-to tell someone." We both sat there after that, looking around miserably. My heart had calmed down, yet the pressure in my chest didn't fade, leaving me feeling heavy and anguished as I sighed, looking up at the ceiling so far away. Unfortunately, I couldn't remain angry at that, my feelings softening slightly. I suppose I would have done the same.

"It's okay," I whispered to him, reaching over to grab his nearby hand, which he surprisingly accepted. "I'm glad you told me. Because if we're going to die soon anyway, I'd at least like to save Tommy. He deserves to live, don't you think?" Techno hesitated, and glancing over I could see him thinking behind that stoic front of his. His lips parted, reluctant to agree with me. He was a top scorer after all, and if what he said was true, it meant he still had at least another year left. A year was a lot of time that shouldn't be squandered.

"We all deserve to live," Techno repeated back to me, giving my hand four firm squeezes. I chuckled, wiping a fresh tear from my face that I hadn't meant to shed at the action. When we were younger we learned morse code, and it became habit to tease each other with the signal for L by knocking against our headboards at night. It eventually evolved into a wordless way to reassure each other, although it'd been so long since we'd done it I must admit I'd almost forgotten. I repeated the pattern right back though, once again having to push my tears back down my throat.

"So what's the plan Wil," Techno asked, back to using his monotonous voice and calm demeanor. He acted so casually, as though we both hadn't just recovered from a breakdown and were holding hands like when we were younger.

"First of all, we have to get supplies," I started, trying to act confidently as I usually did. "Philza's a high scorer too, he should know, he'll probably be more help than me. We spend the first day getting info and planning, then prepare and execute the plan the second day. We can tell Tommy and Tubbo we're just going to escape so they won't be separated, the truth would just break them. And-"

"I think we should tell them," Techno interrupted me, bringing his thumb back to his mouth to bite. "Tommy and Tubbo, I mean. Tubbo's smart, and Tommy will be too reckless unless he knows what's actually on the line. Besides, the more people that know the more sources of information we have. You have to remember, this is a farm for monsters."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, fully disagreeing with him yet being willing to listen anyways. Techno turned to me slowly, as though choosing his next words carefully.

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