She-ra AU

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about the map: its based off the original 1985 shera map so theres probs lots of discrepancies. i tried, but most of the places are just guesses/estimates since some of the logistics just dont add up so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

if you want to ask me why i put what where or talk about fixing it hmu

this is set way before the events of the series and i fck with the canon so much. ardorin is a made up name for the kingdom of fire, but i just loved the concept of the spirit ember so much <3


no spoilers - don't google fire runestone tho, its bg is a spoiler!!

Tommy panted through grit teeth, attempting to ignore his seething anger festering just below his boiling skin. A royal circlet was nestled in burning blond hair with charred, black tips that were blown out of his face by the upwards current. He glared down at the bubbling magma beneath his feet, footing steady against the volcano's mouth despite his sandals. His sleeveless orange and red shirt pressed against him, the flaming yellow coattail billowing behind dramatically as smoke passed from his lips with a sharp exhale.

In contrast to the warm hues of the rest of his fiery getup, Tommy's electric blue eyes followed the smoking trail up from the volcano, all the way to the runestone suspended in the center of its mouth. The Spirit Ember's flame lashed with the wind and ash, casting away all shadows that dared enter its domain. It was fierceness and strength; wild, chaotic, and uncontrollable. The Spirit Ember was destruction incarnate, something to be feared.

But to the fire prince, it was safety. The flames that rampaged and burned were the same ones that provided warmth to his people against the ravenous winters, defended against any enemy that dared trifle with the primordial force of fire. The Spirit Ember was power and protection, heated and always ready to spark. In those ways, Tommy supposed he was like his elemental runestone.

Tommy spread scar-littered hands towards the Spirit Ember, the runestone feeling his call and buzzing with energy. Furrowed brows remained sweat-less, even when a sudden surge of heat from below threatened to knock Tommy of his feet. He remained firm, letting the Spirit Ember's power course through him, rejuvenating and energizing him once again. He felt its hum underneath his fingertips, letting it burn its way through his veins. A grateful sigh slipped from Tommy as his energy once again returned, letting his vibrant blue eyes flutter open once again as the buzz of the runestone faded back into its low hum.

"Thank you, Spirit Ember." Tommy adjusted his metallic, jewel embedded cuffs against his wrist as more smoke escaped from his nose, gaze turning its attention back away from the runestone. "I'm going to kick some serious frozen popsicle-ass for you." Turning his heel, Tommy stomped away, footsteps forceful enough to loosen rocks on the mountainside as he stormed down. His growl had returned, anger once again fueled anew with the fire of his runestone as he thundered down the path out of the Spirit Ember's chambers.

"Prince, more troops have been gathered to defend the northern border, per your request." Tommy gave the sentinel a brief nod of acknowledgment, grinning despite his scowl as the soldier attempted to follow Tommy's quick pace besides him. "The scouts from this morning report that the Kingdom of Snow won't advance, and have set up a great deal of defenses in the terrain outside Mount Candila's reach. They are... impenetrable, with our current strength. It seems as though this war was destined for a stalemate. Perhaps our best course of action would be to merely retreat-" The soldier narrowly dodged Tommy's flaming hand when he wildly swung at him.

"Question my orders, I fucking dare you." The words were laced with venom as he hissed, the prince scowling at the sentinel with arms and hair aflame. "That icy prick dared invade Ardorin, and I'm going to make him and his icicle-sucking army PAY! The Fire Kingdom will not allow pussy-ass ice cream bastards to get their hands on the Spirit Ember! Do you understand?!" The soldier stared at him dully before nodding cautiously, slipping away and out of reach of Tommy's flames. Tommy snarled as he left, shaking the last embers out of his hair as the flames calmed, focusing back on the sight before him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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