WandaVision AU

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is this?? a oneshot without tommy as the principal character??>? :o

[i personally like making philza and sbi brothers, but this be dreamsmp so dadza it be :D]



"Having fun?" I asked, chuckling as I did so. Tommy perked up to face me, a brilliant smile overtaking his features as he rapidly nodded, quickly leaving behind the snowman he'd been working on to rush towards me. I lost my breath for a moment, warmed from the bitter cold temperatures of the icy tundra around me when Tommy wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight.

A blissful, peaceful smile graced my lips, embracing him right back as tight as I could. He was too tall to pick him up like when he was younger, to carry him into the sky and fly around with him in my arms, but I could still wrap my wings around him and try to squeeze the air out of him. He laughed, playfully pushing me off and taking a step back. His eyes twinkled brilliantly under the light of the nights first stars.

"I'm so glad you're back!" Tommy said cheerfully, pep in his step as he made his way towards the front door of our home, the cabin in the north, far from the problems of the DreamSMP. I grinned, letting him drag me by the arm, excitement and delight evident on both our faces at my return from my journeys.

I'm so glad the he had never got tangled up in all that nastiness of L'manberg; We're all much happier here, separate from the wars from the land far from our wintry haven.

"Techno!" Tommy called out, nearly bursting the door down in his rush inside the cabin. "Dad's home!" There was a clattering sound from inside, promptly followed by a startled yelp and an exasperated 'Tommy!'. I exhaled in a content sigh, warm laugh escaping me as I peeked through the door.

"Philza!" Techno beamed, ignoring the remains of a potion bottle on the floor hen I entered the door. The pink-haired man smiled, his lips spreading so wide his sharpened canines were fully visible, eyes crinkling as he extended his arms for an embrace. I readily accepted, complimenting and thanking him for keeping the place as maintained as it was. I knew it was difficult sometimes with Tommy always doing this and that.

"It wasn't all me," Techno replied, turning his attention to the broken bottle scattered on the floor. "Ah, I should get that before somebody gets hurt." When he reached for the broom, I brushed his hand off, earning me a curious look.

"Tommy's the one that made the mess," I chided, taking the broom out from his hands, turning my attention to the boy that was sat at the table, clearly waiting for whatever stories I had to tell of my adventures. "He should be the one to clean it up."  Tommy sighed, but got up, reaching for the broom with a sheepish face.

"Sorry for breaking your bottles Techno," Tommy apologized, quickly cleaning up his mess with little complaint. "I can get you some sand if you'd like; For some new bottles, I mean."

"Don't worry about it Tommy." Techno took the broom out of Tommy's hands, gently ruffling his hair with that humored side-smile of his. "You were just excited was all." Tommy grinned, almost immediately beginning to bombard me with questions on my journey: Where I'd gone, what I'd seen, what I'd done.

"Give Dad some breathing room Toms, he just got home." I turned my head around to see who had spoken, Wilbur standing in doorway with a wide smile on his lips and snow in his wavy hair. He had somewhat of an unfamiliar airy tone in the usually rich voice, but I pushed that aside, instead letting my eldest son wrap his arms around me in a tight, cold embrace.

"I've missed you Dad!" Wilbur laughed, although there was something misty behind his round glasses. I reached forward, gently brushing a lock of his thick hair behind his ear so that I could see a tear forming in them.

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